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I remember Hudson’s last year of basketball at Middletown Highschool. At one of the games, in particular, I witnessed an encounter that has had a lasting impression on me.  Middletown was playing its rival team, and one of the players had transferred over from that team to Middletown. I’m not sure of the details as […]

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I have a story to tell. I’m not proud of it. A short while ago, Mark asked if our family could go Christmas caroling to some church family members who have been shut-in for health reasons for months on end. We went caroling last year, and it was a blessing to our whole family to […]

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A few days ago, I found myself in a heartwarming conversation with a young lady who recently lost her beloved mother. She told me, at first, she struggled with anger toward God. But while mourning her mom’s death, God made Himself very real to her and overwhelmed her by His love and personal care. This […]

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Today, I am sharing an impromptu message I typed to my four kids early this morning while they slept.   I had only one intention – to share a quote. But the words kept coming. I fear they will not read it for its length. They’ve been conditioned by our culture to move on to the […]

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Today, I am sharing a post in hopes of encouraging hearts that are struggling with overwhelming thoughts and fears. I wrote it back in 2017 and it’s not surprising that these truths are just as valuable today as they were for us at that time. Friend, the truth will set you free. I trust you […]

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