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What can we say about Baby Marcus?  Well, let’s see…. he was pretty much an ANGEL for his first photo shoot.  He slept a lot and modeled for us with his eyes wide open!  He is such a little treasure and a beautiful addition to his sweet family.  As you may have seen in our […]

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We were thrilled when the beautiful & oh- so- talented group “Sisters” (they are all 3 sisters by the way) called us and asked us to take some promotional shots for them!  These girls have been great friends of ours for quite a few years now.  We are blessed to know them & there is […]

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We were so excited for Ashley & Jerry when we heard they got engaged.  We were even more excited when they contacted us to take their engagement photos!  We had so much fun on this session and it really was hard to choose our favorites!  Congrats guys!

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