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First, I have a disclaimer:  As I prepared for this weeks blog, my mind kept coming back to one thought.  I feel as though there is someone out there that God wants to challenge to step out in a certain area of obedience to Him.  Whoever you are, I trust today’s post will be a […]

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I once heard it said that having children is like watching your heart walk around outside your body.  I’m sure any mother out there can relate.  I have a friend who is in the middle of a health battle with one of her children and there have been many bumps in the road.    It’s […]

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Imagine with me that we lived in a kingdom ruled by a wonderfully mighty and gentle King.  This powerful King has put an end to the domineering tyrants of ages past.  He generously supplies for the needs of all the citizens of His kingdom.  To be honest, I’ve grown accustom to His generosity.  In fact, just between […]

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This week the challenge at I Heart Faces is “Oh So Silly”.  Between the 2 of us we have PLENTY of silly photos of our children alone.  When I read this weeks contest title I thought of this photo right away.  Ella is definitely my shy one. She was going in for eye surgery the […]

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The other day, my daughter Abby was working on her math homework.  She is learning measurements  (centimeter, decimeter, deca, hecta, etc).  I noticed she had drawn a line on her homework page.  It was wobbly and bent.  When I read the instructions to the word problem it said: ~ Take a ruler and measure out […]

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