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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7 Years ago while pondering the fact that God sees when a sparrow falls to […]

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  It’s interesting how a moment in time can shake you from trivialities of life and sober you up to think about what’s important.  You know what I’m talking about.  Sometimes it’s just very simple whisper to stop and take notice of.  And sometimes the moment can stop you in your tracks. Some recent sobering […]

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One morning recently, I noticed my 7 yr old, Sophie had not bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen for her usual bowl of cereal so I peaked in her room and saw her still sleeping in her bed.  When I felt her head I noticed she had a pretty bad fever.  Yep, 103.5. […]

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Sometimes it’s hard to blog about personal struggles.  But what good is my blog if what I’m writing to you is not coming from a place of truth in my own life?  I heard someone say recently, “I want to own my words.”  That phrase has hit home to me in a very real way […]

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The following is a poem by one I consider a true hero of the faith.  She has inspired me with her heart for God and spurred me on to wanting more of Christ and less of myself.  Amy Carmichael died in 1951 but her works are a continued source of spiritual insight and truth.  What […]

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