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Just last night Mark and I sat on my bed having a long discussion with our “tween”.   With sixth grade over and seventh on the horizon, she’s…well, for lack of a better word, changing! People warned me about this but here we were in one of our first major “junior high” pep talks.  It was […]

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This past Sunday, I was blessed to witness the first baptism service at LifeHouse Church!  What a wonderful testimony and declaration that Christ is Lord. Believer’s Baptism is a personal step of obedience.  By being baptized, you are signifying that you have put your faith in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection to save you from […]

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We recently welcomed a new little furry member to our family – an adorable Ragdoll kitten. I named him Clive after my favorite author, C. S. Lewis.  Clive has been a blessing.  He loves to play hard and sleep just as hard.  I know he’s just a cat but he has brought happiness and laughter […]

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Today I am taking a prayerful moment to celebrate the life of Ethan Lopez. Our friends, Sam and Kristen, brought Ethan to us for his newborn, six month and 1 year photos.  He was as adorable as can be – honestly, one of the most adorable children I’ve had the privilege of photographing, inside and […]

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The forecast for the next three days calls for rain.  Reminds me of a recent “teachable moment” I was blessed to experience. On Saturday night just a week ago, I settled into bed early.  Sundays are always big for our family and I’ve come to realize a good night’s rest is imperative.  The kids had […]

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