Tammy on Tuesday »

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Airports. I could probably find a thousand blog topics from my experiences at airports alone.  I flew out to Nashville last Tuesday morning and while waiting to board the plane I turned to my friend and said, “I know what my next blog thought will be.” It all began when the gate agent picked up […]

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This morning during my quiet time, God spoke to me through my daily devotional magazine, INDEED.  I must share it with you.  I trust it will speak to your as it has mine. Careful Listening Luke 8:18 Consider carefully how you listen. Many times, we think that by hearing the Word of God and understanding […]

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Back in August, we were able to visit one of my favorite places on Earth – the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  It’s where our family has vacationed ever since I can remember.  In fact, my father’s side of the family originated in Michigan.  Much of his side of our extended family still lives there.  We […]

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The other day I found myself humming a song I learned as a little girl: The sea of life is raging, the storms clouds round me roll. 
I’m tossed about in turmoil and it’s growing very cold. 
By myself I’ll never make it, but this one thing I know
. When I speak the name of […]

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Okay… think of it…your favorite romance.  Maybe it was a book you read or a movie you saw. Maybe the characters took great risk to be together.  Or maybe they overcame huge obstacles.  Perhaps they started out hating each other and in the end, fell in love.  These are the love stories that leave you […]

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