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Each morning lately I open my eyes around 5:30 without fail.  Now, I would love to sleep longer – mainly because I LOVE TO SLEEP.  In fact, I will usually force my eyes closed once again and try to go back to my dreams.  The problem is my mind begins to race. I find myself […]

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Whatever you do, do well.  Ecc. 9:10a A couple of weeks ago, I had the great privilege to speak to a small group of ladies for the CWCA  (Christian Women’s Commerce Association) here in Delaware.  I remember, when my friend Dawn asked me to share, wondering what God would have me say.  I began to […]

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There is nothing new under the sun. Ecc 1:9b  Nobody likes to be duped. That’s why I paid special attention to an article I found in the latest copy of Consumer Reports.  The title that caught my eye was Sneaky Packaging. Recently, Mark and I signed up for a class called Financial Peace and one […]

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When Mark and I moved into our home 7 years ago, we decided to have a small craft/sewing room built off of my bedroom.  Over the years, it’s interesting to see what has accumulated there:  a gift bag of Christmas receipts from 2011, flower bulbs (this is a mystery to me), torn clothes in need […]

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(Originally posted May 1, 2012) The forecast for the next three days calls for rain.  Reminds me of a recent “teachable moment” I was blessed to experience. On Saturday night just a week ago, I settled into bed early.  Sundays are always big for our family and I’ve come to realize a good night’s rest […]

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