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Have you ever played Sudoku? It’s a puzzle of numbers that requires deductive reasoning to solve. I would like to think I am quite good at using deductive reasoning and should be good at solving these puzzles. But I’m not. The puzzles are rated easy, medium, hard, and very difficult.   Every time I work on […]

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I have a friend. She’s someone I have learned a great deal from. We have enjoyed wonderful conversations about the Lord. We’ve read books and discussed them. We’ve strengthened each other, prayed for each other. We’ve been the voice of truth to each other in times of confusion. And, over the past several years, I’ve […]

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Last evening, I spent time visiting on our back deck with the newlyweds – my precious Abby, and her wonderful husband, Jarvis. It was just the three of us and with the wedding and honeymoon now behind them, we were talking about what’s next. Well, I’ll tell you what’s next. Next will be my temptation […]

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Not long ago, I read a quote that said, “Live a life that you don’t need a vacation from.” Great quote, right? I would love to be able to say that about my life. And in a lot of ways, I can. But not across the board. Think about it. You may love your job […]

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In less than two months, my baby girl (my firstborn) will be getting married! Now I’m going to say all the things that parents say,  “Where did the time go?!” “She’s still my baby.” “Don’t blink.” But seriously…where did all the time go? At the start of our marriage, Mark and I would talk about […]

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