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Category Archives: Children

We had a fun time working with all these boys! 🙂 They were full of energy and excitement!

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On one of our rare sunny days this April, we took Stephanie’s girls out to get some fun new images of them.  The day was perfect and so were the girls….well almost perfect 🙂 Here they are…      

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It’s been a whirlwind of a season.  With the new studio, Christmas and New Year, we have fallen behind in keeping you updated.  We promise to keep you informed of all the exciting things happening in the coming months.  A great way to keep up to date with Luminosity is to subscribe to our blog. […]

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These are busy times for us with Christmas just around the corner!  We had the pleasure of photographing four families last week.  Each session was a lot of fun.  We were blessed with great weather each day.  Here are our favorites from each session.

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We’re in beautiful Alabama and have been able to have some down time with the fam!  The kids were so excited to go to the zoo.  We drove 20 minutes only to find out that had closed early that day to prepare for an event.  Needless to say we had some sad kiddies in the […]

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