Tammy on Tuesday »

A Tangled Mess!

Last night I climbed into bed, and before I docked my phone, I decided to scroll for a few minutes on Facebook. Almost immediately, I came across a few photos shared by a friend, and I had to stop to take it in. Wow! What a mess! I mean really take a minute and look at that picture on the left.


How in the world does a child get themselves into such a mess? The story has a happy ending that does not involve shaving the child’s head. Surprisingly, (as you can see in the photo on the right) the mother was able to patiently remove all the tangles and save the day.

I remember as a little girl (probably 5 or 6 years old) plopping down on my bed and throwing my head back on my pillow as my gum flew from my mouth, landing in my long hair. At that moment, I could hear the words of my mother echoing in my mind, “Spit that gum out before you lay down.” Oh, no!

Instinctively I grabbed at the wad of gum and started to tug, but I only squished it deeper into my hair. I hurried to my craft box and pulled out some safety scissors. Useless! So I guess they live up to their name. I’m not sure they could even cut paper.

I would have to resort to going to my parents and asking for help. But what would they say?! What would they do!? Would I have to get my hair cut short like my brother?! I ignored my mom’s instruction because big girls know how to chew gum while they lie on their bed. Famous last words.

To my amazement, my dad took a solvent from the garage and slathered it onto the gum in my hair. It immediately loosened the gum, and they were able to comb it out. Plus, I smelled of oranges for a few days. Refreshing! My parents were always able to save the day. I don’t know why I didn’t immediately go to them.


Funny thing is, I AM a big girl now and I STILL sometimes ignore sound instruction. I still sometimes find myself in a tangled mess. I was in this very place not long ago when I sat down early in the morning, as I am in the habit of doing, to spend some quiet time with God. Although I felt so distant from the Lord, I whispered my hope that something would change. Then God gave me this passage:

175 Let my soul live and praise you,
and let your rules help me.
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant,
for I do not forget your commandments.

Psalm 119:175-176

Here King David finds himself far from the Lord.

Wait, wasn’t David a man after God’s own heart? Yes.

So David found himself far from God sometimes? Yes.

Here we see He had wandered from God and he now desperately longs to once again experience intimate fellowship with Him. Feeling this was just what the doctor ordered, I spent time really unpacking these two short verses and learning everything I could about them.

I think this might really encourage you too! David says:

Let my soul live. Not just in the sense of physical life. What does he mean here? “Quicken me; give me true life in my soul and spirit – my real self.”

David knows the difference between existing and truly living that real life that only from knowing God.

Let my soul praise You. “My praise will ever be of You” – for Your help to me.

David expresses, “I am helpless. And when God rescues me, my soul will be filled with praise.”

Let Your rules help me. – “Let the course of your providence be such as to help me to praise You.” David longs to walk in the providence of God because God’s way/providence is life-giving. (Quotations above from Pulpit Commentary)

David knows the promises of God. He was familiar with the ways of God. He knew that God was abundant in mercy and steadfast love. He longed to thrive under God’s providential care.

But, see, there’s a problem. He’s far from God in a tangled mess.

I have gone astray like a lost sheep.

Have you ever found yourself there – not only feeling far from the Lord but tangled up there and unable to find your way back to Him? STUCK?! Perhaps you feel Frozen. Numb. Overwhelmed. Weak. You can shake free from the tangled mess that brought you far from God’s rule and protection.

David relates and look at what he said to the Lord:

Seek Your servant. I LOVE THIS! David didn’t pull out the safety scissors. He was in such despair he called out to God, knowing He would listen and answer. He says, “Seek your servant! Because I don’t know how to help myself back to you!”

Friend, do you know if you cry out to God right now, He will come and “seek His servant?” How humbling. How loving and merciful. He will gently untangle all that concerns you and bring you back under His loving care.

Whether you realize it or not, in His loving care is where we all long to be. How wonderful to know that He is a God that would seek us out, set us free and bring us home!!!

For I do not forget your commandments. But it seemed like David DID forget God’s commands. I mean, he was tangled and lost. Did he end the prayer this way in order to convince God to come and get him? No. David didn’t say that to bring attention to his “holiness/goodness.”

So what does this mean? I studied this phrase in the original text and found that the words from Barnes Notes on the Bible say it best.

In all my wandering, with my consciousness of error; with my sense of guilt, I still do feel that I love Your law – Your service – Your commandments. They are the joy of my heart, and I desire to be recalled from all my wanderings, that I may find perfect happiness in You and in Your service evermore.

David knows freedom and joy are found under God’s law of love. And so He calls out to God, “Oh, please come and get me and bring be back!

Friend, can you relate?

I know I can. Life gets busy. Distractions and troubles creep in. And before you know it, you don’t recognize the landscape. Maybe you are tangled in emotions that make a clear path even harder to discern. I was in that very place the morning God showed me this passage as an answer to a half/hearted prayer.

“Seek your servant.”
I will come and find you. I will bring you back.

God? You will do it? You come and untangle this mess and bring me back home?

Yes, He did it for David. He did it for me. And He will do it for you.

Maybe it’s time to put down the safety scissors and cry out to God to seek His servant. He will come swiftly and bring you home.

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