Tammy on Tuesday »

A Message To My Kids


Today, I am sharing an impromptu message I typed to my four kids early this morning while they slept.  

I had only one intention – to share a quote. But the words kept coming. I fear they will not read it for its length. They’ve been conditioned by our culture to move on to the next thing before it’s time. But all the while I type, I am praying that the words hit deep. I’m sharing it with you with that same prayer.

When I got up this morning (back to my early schedule), I couldn’t wait for the sun to rise. 

Yesterday was downright dreary and dismal. The heavy rain repeatedly pelted the windows. What can I say? I love sunny days!

From my reading chair, I get the perfect view of the sunrise. I did that on purpose. I find when the morning includes a mix of billowy clouds, it causes the sun’s rays to bounce and play in the sky. 

In vain, I often try to capture a picture with my phone and, as you probably know, the picture never does it justice. 

It’s often been said that the sunrise reminds us of God’s faithfulness – it rises every morning without fail. 

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV

It also reminds me of His beauty, and His perfection, and His love for me. He didn’t have to make the sunrise such a glorious display of His character and design. It could just appear each day and give off light. But that’s not how God works. He splashes that same glory in the changing of the seasons – everything bursts forth in beauty. I’m sure you can think of a ton of places where His glory is on display. Everything He does has beautiful meaning and purpose.

You may be scratching your head as to why I am writing all of this to you. But I am writing because I wonder if I have even remotely instilled in you how glorious our God is. How wonderful He is and how good He has been to us!  

I know I haven’t.

And THIS is a great tragedy. Because teaching you to see God as He truly is is the greatest gift I could give each of you.  

I read a quote this morning that brought all of these thoughts to my mind – in case you are wondering where it’s coming from. 

Author AW Tozer said, “What comes to your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you.”

Please, Abby, Hudson, Sophie, Bianca, let that sink in.  

Not your “streaks”

Or your “followers” 

Or your “likes”

Or completed assignments

Really…nothing about YOU at all determines your importance. Not even how good of a job you do or don’t do at “being a Christian.”

The greatest question you will answer every day is whether you really know God as He truly is and whether you worship Him in light of who He truly is.

We have to get that right first before anything else matters.  

So today, as I pray for you, instead of praying that you would love God more and seek Him more. I’m actually asking Him to teach you who He really is – that He would strip away all of your misconceptions about Him. The rest will come. Beauty will come. 

It’s the beginning of truly living your life to the full.

Why do you call yourself a Christian?

What about being a Christ-follower motivates you each day? 

Is it because you sense it’s the right thing to do?

Or would you otherwise feel guilty? 

Serving God out of obligation robs you of the beauty of truly delighting in Him.  

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

Psalm 34:8 ESV

I don’t want to instill any wrong motivations in you. Not at all! 

Every time you see something beautiful, I want you to be reminded that it’s a reflection of Him. HE makes all things beautiful.

Even you. 

You are His beautiful creation – each one of you is perfectly and entirely unique. You reflect His beauty. I get to enjoy watching each of you grow and learn and become who He has designed you to be.  And I study you. Sorry if that creeps you out.

When I look at you, Abby, it’s like watching the sunrise. 

When I look at you, Hudson, it’s like watching the sunrise. 

When I look at you, Sophie, it’s like watching the sunrise. 

When I look at you, Bianca, it’s like watching the sunrise. 

On Sunday, Dad preached a passage from 1 Thessalonians that said we would all stand before the Lord and give an account for our lives. It’s easy to paint God in a stern, distant, unfeeling light since judgment is never fun. But He is the just and loving Judge. He is the Author/Originator of all things beautiful and loving and good. When He judges, He gets it right EVERY TIME. And the life He desires you to live will be accomplished by enjoying Him and walking by His side.

Let me get to the point.

When you stand before Him – and you will – He will ask, “What did you do with the beautiful life I gave you?” Your response will flow out of the first thing I said to you this morning – “What you think about God is the most important thing about you.”

From that, you will shape the degree of your devotion to Him. From that point of view, you determine the access you will give Him to your heart and life. He desires your life to be a vessel from which His glory pours out. He made you a masterpiece. 

So, my beloved children, I urge you to set aside all distractions and time-wasters: social media, self-indulgence, fear, insecurity, laziness. Then, with a sincere heart, ask God to show you Who He is. 

Live on purpose. 

The things of this world are fleeting. 

Don’t invest too heavily in them. 

I love you all so much. You couldn’t comprehend it. I pray my words run deep in your hearts today – that you don’t dismiss them or hear them halfheartedly. Or scroll and skim.  

TODAY, I pray that you will see God for Who He truly is. Then will you experience your life as the beautiful masterpiece He intended for it to be—a reflection (just like the sunrise) of Him and His beauty. 

Don’t forget.

What you think about God is the most important thing about you today.

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  • Joanne E Clement - Thank you.

  • Bonnie Travers - Your words to your children should be heard by many parents of teenagers! Too many leave them to their self when they become teens!

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