Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy on Tuesday ~ HOPE For A Cure


How are you doing?

Are you hanging in there?

These are unprecedented times. The days of Covid-19.

I feel as though I am on information overload as I do my part to slow the spread of this virus that plagues our world right now. I’ve been told to do so many things:

Practice social distancing.

6 ft.

No, 4 ft.

Actually, don’t leave your house.

Drink lots of water.

In fact, drink HOT lemon water.

Actually, take some Vitamin D…

…and C, Vitamin C.

Wash your hands.


Stock up on toilet paper. Don’t worry about why.

Wipe down surfaces.



Look for symptoms.



Tightness in chest.

Wear rubber gloves…if you can find them.

If you’re like me, with more time on your hands, perhaps you’ve been more attuned to your own body. “Am I feeling okay? Is that a tickle in my throat? Didn’t someone say their awful experience started out that way? Where’s the vitamin C?”

If you’re like me, you’ve worried about your parents. And those who are immune-compromised. What would we do if they became ill?  

“What if I make a mistake? What if I accidentally pick up the virus and pass it on to my loved ones? Should I have gone to see them last week?”

What if.

What if.

There is so much at stake for so many. Life and death might hang in the balance. We’ve been given tons of advice to heed. That’s a lot of pressure.

I’ve felt it. I’m sure you have. 

But a bit of information came to me as sunlight peaking over the horizon a few short days ago. For the first time, I felt  PINIMAGEa hope that wasn’t the same as “I hope I don’t screw this up.” 

This was a hope outside of me.  


Now, listen. I know we don’t have all the info yet. I know we are still waiting to hear more about this drug. But it’s been said that when it’s combined with Zithromax, patients are showing great and almost immediate improvement.  

One man said in so many words, “I thought it was the end. I thought I would say my goodbyes. And within hours, I was on the mend. I was doing much better. All I know is that I believe this drug saved my life.”

The studies done so far give me great hope.

Could this be the sun rising on our long dark night?

I went to bed last night feeling a different kind of hope, and I slept like a baby.

This morning, I was spending time alone with God when, in one of my devotion books (Indeed – for March 24, 2020) , I read something that made me stop and ponder for a while. 

“The Gospel is not good advice but good news.” – William Ralph Inge

In the past few weeks, I have felt the great difference between the two.

Good advice and good news.

Good advice puts the expectation and hope in my ability to follow it.

Good news, like that of the Gospel, is something I simply receive.

Like the Hydroxychloroquine and Z-pack. I take the prescription and receive it’s healing benefits.

The hope is outside of myself. And it has come to me.

My devotional went on to say, “The best part of the good news (the Gospel) is that everyone who believes can become a citizen of the kingdom. There is no lengthy application process, no citizenship exam, no temporary green-card status. You are either in the kingdom or you aren’t. And the requirement is really simple.”

Perhaps this time of uncertainty has got you thinking. Life is precious and fragile. We don’t know how many days we have.

And there’s a problem. We are sin-sick. Look around and see the ways that sin has wreaked havoc on our world. While I think about how dark our days can be. I am overwhelmed with the hope we’ve been offered in Christ.  There is a cure.


Do you know Him?  He offers you life.  This is not for you to “find” but to “RECEIVE.”  He has come bringing life.  You no longer have to fear the dangers that threaten you in this life because He brings you life eternal through His sacrifice.

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Jesus  – John 10:10

Would you take a moment to watch this video that talks about the Hope I bring to you today? His name is Jesus. I invite you to put your hope in Him.

I’m not offering you good advice. I’m offering you good news. 

Now that you’ve watched the video, click on the following link to read more about the GOOD NEWS for you today.


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