Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday ~ School’s In Session For All of Us

PINIMAGEGuess what?  My two middle schoolers ran out the door this AM and I didn’t get their first day of school photo!  I guess there is no rule against getting the photo as they get off the bus.  It will still be the first day, right?  Well, that’s my plan.

What I’m learning is that life is a school room.  We are all learning.  I sent my oldest off to college 2 weeks ago and the other three are growing to quickly for my taste.  But I can’t find a corner and hide.  I must determine to seek God’s perspective on this new year for them.  And the I can walk confidently in His strength and wisdom.

Today I share an important message from a blog I posted several years ago.  I hope it encourages your heart.

So, another school year is underway and I’ve enjoyed scrolling through all the first day of school photos on my Facebook feed. Some parents posted photos from years ago and compared them to today.

One thing we know for sure is that our kids grow up too quickly.FullSizeRender-1PINIMAGEI don’t know about you but it’s times like these that I find myself asking the questions:

  • Are we doing enough?
  • Are they on the best path?
  • Are we instilling character, morality and determination in them?
  • Will they be good contributors to society?
  • Will they passionately follow after God?
  • Will they make something of themselves?

The questions that we ask ourselves may vary with each of our children because they are each unique. But we do it. And often we either worry or we pray!

I was talking with Mark before bed last night and he was sharing his burden for especially our older two, now in high school. He expressed to me, looking back on his own teenage years, that he wants to steer them away from all the potential pit-falls he experienced or narrowly escaped at their age.

I would fully agree that it would be nice for them to get through these years unscathed but the bottom line is that we must do our best to parent them in truth and then, in full assurance, entrust them to God.

We both know we can count on God’s faithfulness, mercy and grace for our family but being a sinful creature, this is easier said than done. Nevertheless, we offered a prayer to God before turning out the light and took time to remind ourselves that He is faithful and can do what we cannot.

While reading in my quiet time this morning, I was abundantly encouraged regarding our the hopes we have for our children; and I felt God speaking to me in a unique way through a chapter in the book of Nehemiah.

I was finishing chapter 9 where the prophet Nehemiah documents a prayer of repentance to God from His people. The Israelites had once again rebelled and now they were returning to God in great numbers, forsaking their ways and seeking His forgiveness, provision and guidance.

While reading the people’s prayer of repentance in Nehemiah 9:5-37, I found myself drawn to something in particular about the prayer. And this was what God used to speak to my situation specifically.

What I noticed as I read the prayer was all that God did for His people. I picked up a highlighter and decided to go through and highlight all the ways Nehemiah recalls that God was active in their lives.

You can take time to read the prayer for yourself but, (In the spirit of a new school year) let me use an English term and list these action verbs out for you.

Here’s what the people say of GOD: (I list them here as they are mentioned in the prayer)

You made

You chose Abram

You brought

You made a covenant

You preserve

You are always true to Your Word

You saw

You heard

You displayed miraculous signs & wonders

You knew

You led

You came

You gave

You commanded (instructed)

You did not abandon

You did not abandon

You sent Your good Spirit

You did not stop giving

You sustained

You helped

You made

You promised

You subdued the enemy

You heard

You sent liberators

You listened

You rescued

You warned

You were patient

You sent Your Spirit

You did not destroy

You were just

You gave

Remember, this is just one of the many prayers of the Bible where people cry out to God. And God is the same yesterday, today and forever. But if you had any doubt that God is active in the lives of mankind, this prayer alone should eliminate it.

God is at work.  And God IS actively involved in the lives of my children.

He is working even when we cannot see. When we cry out to Him, when we take our fears to Him, when we come to the end of our strength, when we submit our lives to Him, He is not a far-away God. He is near and ACTIVE.

That should encourage you today.

But it gets better.
In this prayer we see God is good. Yes.

Now, let’s contrast His goodness with what the people confess about their behavior and the actions of their generations past in this very same prayer. I took out a different colored highlighter and highlighted them as well.

When the people speak of themselves they use these action verbs: (I list them as they are mentioned in the prayer)

Our ancestors were proud and stubborn

They refused to obey

They did not remember the miracles you did for them

They became stubborn

They made an idol

They committed terrible blasphemies

They were disobedient

They rebelled against You

They turned their backs on Your Law

They killed those who warned them to return to You

They committed terrible blasphemies

Your people committed evil in Your sight

They became proud and obstinate

They disobeyed Your commands

They did not follow

They stubbornly turn their backs

They refused to listen

They wouldn’t listen

We have sinned greatly

We did not obey your Law

We did not listen to warnings in Your commands and laws

They did not serve you.

They refused to turn from their wickedness

WOW, now we are seeing God in light of who we are in our weakness. If we will be honest with ourselves, we are just like the people of Nehemiah’s day.  The Bible tells us we are all like sheep that have gone astray.  Isaiah 53:6.

Now, consider this. The prayer ends with Nehemiah confessing in verse 36, “So now today we are slaves.”

Is it any wonder? They are enslaved because of their choices.

HOWEVER, We must remember that this is a prayer. Nehemiah obviously knows he can go to God. And he does so in full repentance counting not on their track record but on God’s character.

We can go to God not counting on our track record, but on His character and surrender all to Him.

While I’m sitting here wondering how God could forgive, Nehemiah is counting on the fact that he KNOWS He will.

I began developing my thoughts for today’s blog with the intention to encourage those struggling to entrust their children to God’s purposes and plans. LOOK AT HIS TRACK RECORD!

But the message, as we reflect on the actions contrasted here, is just so much greater.  Isn’t it?

Do you see yourself in any way like the people of God in Nehemiah’s day?

God is ready to forgive. He is full of mercy.

Do you have a personal need that has completely depleted you of hope and strength?

God is the Great Provider.

Do you need to be reminded not to fear and fret over the future?

God is faithful and good.

I hope you are as encouraged today as I was, to see just how longsuffering God is.

He is active and good.


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