Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday ~ What do you think about that?

tammy-on-tuesday-header-2016PINIMAGEYou’ve heard of Christmas in July, right? Today I want to post a blog I shared a while back just before Christmas a few years ago. The message is true all year long. Do you struggle with your thoughts? Perhaps this post will encourage you today.


With Christmas upon us, I have been thinking about my usual approach to Christmas shopping for those on my list. I am a “type A” kind a girl and so I am always over thinking what I should get for each person. It’s like everything in the universe depends on me making the right choice for them…the perfect gift.

I know I’m confessing here and I hate to admit it, but there’s more. When I’m pulling something off the shelf at a store…I usually bypass the first several items and go for one in the back…one that’s been untouched – to ensure I’m getting the best possible version of that product. I think to myself, People handle the items at the front…no reason I should take any chances on something being messed up…I’ll just go for the back. Okay, now, some of you must admit you do the same! I call it “Quality Control”.

Have you ever taken an item to the register and found a hole or snag so you went back to get another? No one wants to purchase something sub-par when they have the option to have the item without any flaws.

Think about all of the retailers and the companies that make the items we buy. Ideally, they want us to buy their products, so they put forth their very best. I imagine a “quality control” conveyor belt. I wonder what it must be like to have that type of job. You stand there looking for something that seems out of sorts, anything that doesn’t represent the company’s standards, and you pull it from the belt. End of story.

God began to speak to my heart about the care I took in purchases. I put so much emphasis on quality control. But, there was a much more important area in my life that needed Quality Control – My thought life.

When it comes to the millions of thoughts that overwhelm my mind each day, sometimes I’ll let just any ole junk in. Then I suffer from feeling defeated, discouraged, disillusioned, guilty, worried. You name it.

The other day I began to imagine how much better my outlook would be if I refused to allow the wrong thoughts to enter my mind. Just toss them off the belt. Practice Quality Control.

I am reminded the verse, Philippians 4:8. It says,

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”

What are you thinking about today? Have you allowed junk to fill your mind? Maybe it’s time for you do some quality control?

I’ve decided to be more proactive in establishing a healthy thought life.

As described in Philippians I want to think on things that are…

true (Have I been believing lies?)
honorable (Are my thoughts pleasing to God?)
right (Have I been banking on only half the story?)
pure (Am I thinking the proper thoughts about those around me?)
lovely (Have I been counting my blessings?)
admirable (Am I thinking of ways to make a difference?)
excellent and praise worthy (Am I putting others before myself?)

Once I began to discard the negative thoughts in my mind, I was able turn my attention to thoughts that bring life, joy, hope and peace. Now that’s a great gift to give your self this time of year!

As you go throughout this day, be aware of the thoughts coming down the conveyor belt of your mind. It may be time for some Quality Control!

“Lord, please help us to keep our thoughts fixed on You!  Show us where we need to use quality control in our thoughts today. Lead us in the truth. In Jesus name, amen.”


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  • Dawn Viggiano - Excellant word of encouragement.

  • Diana Meekins - This hit home today, there is a lot of negative talk going around me, but I’m trying to not engage in it and keep my thoughts positive.

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