Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday ~ 40% Happier

Tammy On Tuesday Banner 3B*PINIMAGEVacation is winding down and I have to admit it makes me a little sad.  Today Stephanie and I headed into Walmart for a few supplies for the trip home. After collecting my items, I was standing in the checkout line waiting for my turn, killing time by perusing the magazines in the rack.  My eyes fell upon a title to an article that actually caused me to chuckle.  How to be 40% Happier.get-attachmentPINIMAGEWow, what a relief!  Just the other day, I was thinking to myself, “Boy, if I could only be 40% happier, life would be good!”  Doesn’t everybody ask that question?  I hope you sense the sarcasm. But I got to thinking more about it as I drove away.

Happiness.  Is that what it’s all about?

This morning, Sophie (my 9 year old) came up to me and said, “”Mommy, I wish it wasn’t illegal to copy money in a copy machine.”  I asked her, “Why, would you want to do that?”  Her reply was, “Then you could buy EVERYTHING!” 

Buying everything…Would that lead to happiness?

The question is like a thread that weaves through every fiber of life, in the decisions and moments big and small.

Another hour of sleep – would this make me happy?

A newer car

A different career

A clean house

Someone to clean the house

A Stromboli

Losing 10 pounds

More money

A new haircut

The “As seen on TV” purchase

Ice Cream

A new t-shirt…While on vacation, I always feel the urge to get a t-shirt or sweatshirt as a souvenir – a reminder of the great time we had.  Perhaps I’m always looking for a way to take some of the special times home with me.  You’ve heard the saying, “Been there.  Done that. Got the t-shirt.”  Well, I do that.  I get the t-shirt.   And the t-shirt doesn’t do the trick.  Its newness fades and it often finds it way to the bottom of my drawer.

Haven’t we all figured out yet that it’s not happiness we’re after? 

It doesn’t take me long to think about what fills me up…to point out the monumental moments of my life.

The funny thing is, while considering the most important times in my life, none of the items in my list above would be included. The moments in my life that I wouldn’t trade for anything all come down to Christ.

Risking for Christ

Abiding in Christ

Falling on Christ

Hoping in Christ

Obeying Christ

Trusting Christ

Believing Christ

Following Christ

…I could go on.

 THOSE are the moments and decisions that have meant most to me and often they have absolutely nothing to do with happiness. Have you gotten sidetracked and caught up in the empty pursuit of happiness?  Maybe today you need to be reminded of what your heart truly longs for. My advice to you is don’t waste your money on a magazine that promotes 40% more happiness.  I don’t want to be 40% happier and neither do you. David gives us a good picture of what really fills us up…or should I say, WHO fills us up:

Psalm 33:21 says,  “For our heart is glad in Him, because we trust in His holy name.”

Psalm 15:32 says, “You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Psalm 28:7 says, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trust, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.”

Acts 2:28 says, “You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence “ Stop the illusive pursuit of happiness. Go to Christ and ask Him to give you fullness in Him.  And, when you go to Him, go His way.  Follow His plan. Surrender everything to Him. Trust Him.  Follow Him.  This is truly the remedy for your soul.

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