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Tammy On Tuesday ~ The Remedy for Worry

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Right now we are enjoying time in one of my favorite places ~ Marquette, Michigan.

Family in Michigan 2014PINIMAGESince it was such a beautiful day, we decided to head out and see the sites.  While on our way from one location to another, I rode in the back seat with my 1 year old nephew, Jude.  He was getting fussy and so my sister, Stephanie put on his favorite CD.  It’s a CD of scriptures made into songs.  In order to help soothe him I began to sing along.


“Don’t you worry, about any thing.  Instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.”

He began to quite down and listen to the soothing words.  Even then I continued to sing.  I thought of how simple the words were – so matter-of-fact.  I began to feel a sense of comfort in the truth filling the van as we rode.  Worry is common.  Many of us struggle against worry.  Some of us act as though worry comes along with responsibility.  Like it’s just part of life.  God tells me otherwise. This moment with Jude in the van reminded me of a post I wrote a while back about worry.  I hope you enjoy it.

Originally  posted (Nov 14, 2011)

Worry.  There are a few exceptions to the rule but most of us worry.  I’ve heard it said that if a person worries it means they’re intelligent.  (I guess because they apparently know those things that are so important to worry about?)  Maybe I’ve given myself the green light to worry because it just shows that I am concerned about what is going on in the many facets of my life.  We worry about our kids, our careers, our friendships.  You name it, someone is probably worrying about it.

Whatever the case, in the Bible, we’re told not to worry.  So the other day, I was driving home from taking my oldest to school.  I was worrying about her.  She’s 11 now and on some days I have to fight to suppress the question, “Who are you? And what did you do with my little Abby- Jane? “  Don’t get me wrong.  Abby is a beautiful, sensitive girl.  I’m very proud of her.  But this was one of those days that I was worrying about Abby and the importance of her making the right choices in her life.

As I drove, I began praying…somewhat frantically.   In my prayer I decided to quote a verse I memorized as a child.  I began,

“Lord you say in Your Word… ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, let your request be made known unto God…and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus’.” 

After I said it, I waited.  Didn’t feel any different.  I asked, “So, God? When does the peace which passes understanding actually hit me?”  “How long do I have to wait for the peace?”   “How long before I feel the worry go away?”

God didn’t shout down the answer to me that day although I would’ve welcomed it.  In fact, once I got out of the car, I was back to my to-do list and pushed the whole experience to the back of my mind.

Two mornings later, of all things, I opened up my devotion book and noticed that the verse under the introduction was THE VERY SAME verse I had quoted in my car.  I began reading it from my New Living Translation Bible.  Here’s what it said…

Don’t worry about anything.  (I’m trying.)

Instead, tell God about everything – (Oh, I’m good at that.)

Tell God what you need…(Check.)


Wait!  I missed something very important when I quoted this passage in the car… “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, let your request be made known unto God…WITH THANKSGIVING.”  How could I have left out that whole phrase?  I’d forgotten it altogether – the part about GIVING THANKS!


So, here it was, God’s answer to my question in the car –

found in Philippians 4:6&7

 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.


My responsibility…

  1. Don’t worry about anything;
  2. Instead, pray about everything.
  3. Tell God what you need, and
  4. Thank Him for all He has done.


My frantic prayer in the car should have sounded a little more like this:

Lord, I’m really tempted to worry about Abby in this tumultuous time in her life.

Instead of worrying, I want to bring this concern to You.

I need You to do what I cannot.  I need You to protect and encourage Abby to make the choices that bring You honor.

God, Thank you for the beautiful, sensitive, kind daughter you gave me.

Thank you that my concerns for Abby are important to you.

Thank you that I can pray at any time and You will hear me and answer.

Thank you that You desire to work on my behalf.

Thank you that You have a purpose and a plan for her life.  Help me to see it too.


God’s Promise…

THEN you will experience God’s peace (and not just any peace) the kind of peace that exceeds your understanding.  – Sign Me up!

And HIS peace will guard your heart and your mind (from Worry) as you live in Christ Jesus.

I don’t know who needs to hear this today but  “person – whoever you are” God wants you to stop worrying.   Today, I am giving you God’s remedy for worry.  Perhaps you’ll give it a try.

I know for me…the more I learn…the more I live.

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