Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – Invitation or Summons


The other day, while getting ready, I stared into the mirror and got lost in my thoughts.  I was contemplating those times when God prompts me with an opportunity to serve Him and how I tend to feel.  Two words flooded my mind and I began a comparison of them…

Invitation and Summons

Invitation:  the act of inviting, a request for someone’s presence or participation.  The word itself connotes “something special is going to take place and I want you to be there!” 

Summons: a command, message, or signal by which one is summoned. a call or citation by authority to appear before a court or a judicial officer. an authoritative call or notice to appear at a specified place for a particular purpose or duty. a request, demand, or call to do something: a summons to surrender.

Being a pastor’s wife, walking along side of my husband and hearing almost daily about the needs and ministry opportunities around me, if I’m not careful I begin to feel as though those needs are not an invitation to join God in His work, but more like a summons.

I want to be clear, it’s a pressure and demand I’ve put on myself.  I mean isn’t it what any “good pastor’s wife” would do?  Before you take this opportunity to tell me that God doesn’t expect me to fix the worlds problems and I shouldn’t put that kind of pressure on myself…I want to let you know that I understand.  I know that first, whatever I set out to do, I can seek God’s face and find how He is prompting me to act. I know He is not about busyness for the sake of being busy.  He has a perfectly orchestrated story unfolding and I can be apart of it.  But that’s where my recent mental debate began…invitation or summons?

As I have felt God’s prompting, instead of seeing it as an invitation, I have seen it more like a summons.  The enemy has used this developing attitude to steal my joy in the work God sets before me.  God has been speaking to my heart…”Why do you impose these demands on yourself and then in your heart of hearts blame Me for this feeling of expectation and fear of failure?”

Here’s what I want you to take away from today’s blog.  If God is speaking into your life and you are feeling a prompting to act, know this…He doesn’t give a summons…He gives an invitation.  He doesn’t beg, He doesn’t demand.  In fact, His invitation is not really about the opportunity itself.  Instead, it’s about Christ and His plan and power.  When I say no.  I miss it.  I miss the opportunity to walk with Him and watch Him work.

The twist is, what He often invites me to is hard.  The terrain is often rocky.  The things He invites me to are God-sized.  And He promises to pack the power.  He promises to supply all that’s needed for the journey.  My only appropriate response is to accept His invitation.

I consider the familiar passage of Psalm 23 as I think of where His invitation leads.  He leads as a Gentle Shepherd and though there will be dark valleys He will be close beside me.

 Psalm 23

 The Lord is my shepherd;

I have all that I need.

 He lets me rest in green meadows;

he leads me beside peaceful streams.

 He renews my strength.

He guides me along right paths,

bringing honor to his name.

 Even when I walk

through the darkest valley,

I will not be afraid,

for you are close beside me.

Your rod and your staff

protect and comfort me.

 You prepare a feast for me

in the presence of my enemies.

You honor me by anointing my head with oil.

My cup overflows with blessings.

 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me

all the days of my life,

and I will live in the house of the Lord



It, frankly, makes me sad that I struggle to follow.  But in recent days, His still small voice speaks to my heart, reminding me I am invited to God moments.  I no longer feel it coming through as a demand.  I hear His gentle voice calling me to come.  Yes, I’ve been invited.  It’s an invitation I don’t want to miss.

How about you?  Has God been prompting you to join Him in a God sized task? Have you, perhaps because of your reluctance, placed improper attitudes and expectations on Him and His request?

Understand, you’ve been invited.  And this is an invitation you won’t want to pass up.

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