Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – Growing


It’s fun watching things grow, isn’t it?  I’ve enjoyed watching so many things grow over the summer.  We have had 3 nests of birds hatch from their eggs, grow, and take flight.  I planted my daughter’s sunflower seedling in our back yard and it’s growing by the minute.  Recently friends gave me some delicious vegetables they grew in their garden.   And on July 4th, my sister and her husband welcomed a precious baby boy to their family.  We watched him grow in ultrasound pictures wondering when he would be born, amazed at the detail in every aspect of his growth.  It’s just wonderful to see how God causes things to grow.  And I think  He loves to watch things grow too.  He loves to watch us grow.


With that in mind, I began thinking back to an opportunity I had not long ago to hear Stormie Omartian’s testimony about God’s redemptive work in her life.  While she shared, she mentioned her continual struggle with anger from the abuse she endured growing up.   She understood Christ set her free to live in victory in Him, but over and over, anger kept creeping back in to her life.  As she grew in her faith and relationship with Christ, she would see big battles won over her anger…she would think to herself, “Certainly, I’ve been set free from anger through this victory.”  But then, without warning, the anger would rise up once again.   It seemed although she had experienced victory in virtually every other part of her life, this was something she wouldn’t “kick”.   At least that was how she felt.   Perhaps the victories weren’t victories after all.
She became discouraged, thinking it was useless to try to fight against the anger.  But then, God revealed to her that she HAD been experiencing victories.

She wasn’t going backward.  She was going deeper.  She was growing.

Each victory took her deeper in Christ and closer to who she was in Him.  But the process happens in layers.  Kinda like an onion.  As layers were peeled away, she began to understand that she was needing to deal with the wound of anger at each stage.  She realized she WAS growing.  She WAS experiencing true victory.  God tells us that He began a good work in us and He will be faithful to complete it.  (Philippians 1:6)
I don’t know about you, but when I see a familiar sin or attitude once again rear it’s ugly head, I can begin to feel like, “What’s the use? I thought I was growing!”  I’ve realized, through Stormie’s testimony, He’s taking me deeper, peeling away the layers until His image touches the very core of who I am.  Have you found yourself continually going to God with a particular sin or weakness?  Do you experience true victory and then once again find trouble on your doorstep.  As you grow deeper with God, let Him heal you layer by layer.  Remember, He desires your growth and abundance and HE will work to bring you there.

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  • Naomi - Through my 20 years of living, it wasn’t until the 20th that I realized this concept. It’s so encouraging to know God gives us layers, because that shows me that he isn’t going to give us more than we can handle. It also shows that God knows when we can handle a certain emotion, and he isn’t going to “peel back that layer until we are ready.

  • Nana - So true! Always growing…always learning….and still…layer by layer. God is good!

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