Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy on Tuesday – A Missed Opportunity


Several weeks ago I sat in a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace seminar and he was talking about exponential returns on investments.  He explained that a 19 year old who invests $2,000 a year for 8 years and doesn’t touch the money until he’s 65 will be a multimillionaire.  He went on to say if a 27 year old began investing the same amount over 39 years, they would have a third less money at the age of 65 than the one who began investing at 19.  He shared graphs and numbers and stats but what stuck out to me was this – There is an amazing and yet simple way to a secure retirement and I missed it by a long shot!!  Yuck! 

You know that feeling you get when you missed out on something you could have EASILY taken part in – maybe it’s an enormous one day sale; or maybe someone took advantage of an amazing offer you missed.  I don’t like that feeling.

Put it in spiritual terms and it takes on a whole deeper level of importance.  It creates an even greater remorse to the one who realizes they missed the opportunity.

Regrets.  I have some.  I’m sure you do too.

The reality is that it’s never too late to make spiritual investments and the returns are incomparable.   Why?

There’s eternal reward:

“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.  Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.  Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”  Matt 6:19-21

There’s earthly blessing:

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:19

I was reading this morning a passage in Isaiah.  It was a simple verse that got me thinking:

 Isaiah 51:2b “Abraham was alone when I (God) called him.  But when I (God) blessed him, he became a great nation.”

If you know the story of Abraham and Sarah, you remember that they were old when God gave them a son.  Sarah was 90 when she conceived. They had been “alone” but God gave them a son and went on to give them more descendants than the stars.

Genesis 26:4 I will cause your descendants to become as numerous as the stars of the sky, and I will give them all these lands. And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed.

Are you feeling alone?  Are you feeling as though the opportunity to make a smart investment has passed you by?  It hasn’t!!

With anything we place in the hand of God, there is potential for exponential growth.   The beauty of it all is that the growth of the investment is not indicative of what we are “able to invest” – since we often feel we don’t have much to offer and we’d be right.  The lavish growth comes from the grace of God.

His numbers never reflect our initial investment!  They reflect His generous heart!

When I was twenty years old, I moved away from home to travel and sing with a singing group in Georgia.  I had grown up in church and, to be honest, I questioned in my heart, “What does all of this really mean to me?  What do I really believe about God?”  It was a lonely time in my life.  During that time, I chose to answer His call.  I offered myself to Him even though it didn’t seem like much.

It’s a wonder to me why God seeks us out?  Look at Abraham.  God called him when he was alone.  God called me when I was alone.  Nothing to offer but myself…and then He goes on to bless me!

Maybe you feel like I did when I sat in that Dave Ramsey class and it dawned on me I’d missed an opportunity to invest.  It’s too late!

Well, friend, it’s not too late! Embrace God’s call on your life today!

I think it’s important to be clear, in case you are reading this and thinking…”Oh, prosperity gospel.  She’s saying if I surrender my life to God, I’ll be rich.”  I’d like to interject, I wouldn’t be taking a seminar on financial freedom if I was rich by worldly standards. 🙂  I’ve made mistakes and I’m learning about how to use money responsibly and make wise choices – to eliminate debt.  It’s empowering to have a plan to reach financial freedom.  But what I’m talking about is not material wealth.  It’s a wealth that fulfills us on the deepest level of who we are.  I’m talking about Spiritual wealth.

The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.  Proverbs 10:22

I look around at how this investment in the eternal is already paying off in the present.  He has surrounded me with His goodness.  He has given me a a wonderful husband and 3 beautiful children to love.  Because of Christ, my extended family brings great enjoyment to my life as well.  I have a wonderful church family.  The friendships God has given are too many to number.  The opportunities to serve and use my gifts are overflowing and never too few!  The way He has provided for my every (emotional, physical, financial and spiritual) need is overwhelming.  I have been blessed.  Life hasn’t been easy but it’s been so good!  And the best is yet to come!

So now, looking back at that time when I was “alone”, I recall my decision to invest in God and His kingdom.  And here’s what I love… I’ve had no regrets!

Today might be the perfect day for you to make a spiritual investment!

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  • Jerry - I deserve less, but God does deserve more

  • Maureen - Well said, I’m sure an encouragement to many, I’m sure the Lord is very happy with you for sharing a piece of your life with others 🙂 Praise the Lord for the footsteps you’ve taken and the testimony you share 🙂

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