Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – “A Confession”



I did not expect to be led in the direction today’s post is taking.  It is once again a peak into my personal life and thoughts.  I began typing with a different ending in mind but I believe this message is meant for someone today because it’s where God is directing me.

I have a confession…

Before Christmas God presented an opportunity to speak truth into a woman’s life who was going though difficulty and seemed to be giving up on God.  I had never met this woman before and she was not asking for any words of encouragement or truth from me.  But my husband, Mark, had just suggested it might be good for me to reach out to her.  At the time, things were hectic.  Satan had been whispering in my ear that I was over-taxed and spread too thin.  I couldn’t possibly carve out time to connect with this woman.  Who’s to say that she would even listen?  I began to make excuses. I’m ashamed to say it, I convinced myself that I had the right to bow out.  In fact, I didn’t even think about it again.

Then, once the Christmas rush was over and I was heading out of town to meet our family for a ski trip my father-in-law planned, God began to put His finger on my heart.  Maybe He’d been doing it all along but this was my first moment to notice.

I remembered thinking while we drove, “What is this heaviness?  Why do I feel this unrest?”  I admit I was afraid to go to God with it because I was afraid of what He’d reveal.  Have you ever done that – felt conviction and then looked for a blanket to cover your head?  Well, not able to hold up under the weight of conviction, I did go to God.  I asked Him what had stopped up the flow of His peace in my life.  That’s when He directed my mind back to the woman.  In a moment, I knew that excuses were of no use.  The realization that I had passed up the opportunity to bless God through obedience, filled me with sorrow.

I had Truth.  I could’ve dispensed it into her life.

I could have been a vessel for God’s purpose and I chose to sit this one out.  God brought this opportunity to me.  He didn’t ask me to “convince” anyone of anything.  All He asked of me was to be the voice of Truth in this person’s life.  He would be responsible for the rest.  My thoughts turned to scripture…

John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”   

The Truth has power to transform.  The words of Truth I kept inside could have been the words God used to set her free.

I don’t know where this woman stood in relation to God.  Maybe she knew the truth and needed to be reminded of it.  I  mean, we all have those moments that we need the truth to show us we’ve derailed.

I didn’t know if there had been a time when she accepted Christ as her Savior or if the words of truth would’ve been the tool that brought her to a decision for Him.  What I DO know is that God is always at work and at times He allows us to be a part of that work by following His prompting to share with others.  Sometimes it’s a meal.  Sometimes it’s intercessory prayer.  Sometimes it’s a word of Truth.  Sometimes it’s all of these.  But where is the voice of truth?

Romans 10:14  “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”

Isaiah 6:8  “Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”

I’ve been told in all the pastoral training Mark and I have attended, to find balance as a pastor’s wife and a mom.  Find balance between ministry and home life.  Find balance between work and rest.  And now most importantly, as I begin a new year, God has spoken a message to my heart that is most important. It’s one thing above all else.  When God affords me the opportunity to speak truth…don’t miss it!!!

I don’t ever want the opportunity that God gives me to share truth to be lumped in to a list of tasks and responsibility that need to be weighed on a scale.  I mean isn’t it what everything really boils down to?!  Knowing Christ, who is TRUTH,  and making Him known? (Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John 14:6)

For those of you who read last week’s blog, you remember me quoting,  “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things will be added.”  Matt 6:33.

I repented of my missed opportunity.  I promised The Lord that I would do my best to listen for His voice and obey…that I would dispense the truth freely and leave the rest to Him.

Have you missed opportunities to share TRUTH?  Confess it to God…and then be ready…Someone needs Truth in their lives today…You may be the one God desires to share it.

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  • Nana - Resonating….want to be more open and obedient to the Holy Spirit….we are nothing and powerless w/o Him. Need more…want more. Thanks for sharing….love you.

  • Barbara Day - Tammy,
    I love you.
    I love your heart.
    I love your fearlessness.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • Sue McFarland - What a wonderful post. It is heart touching and insightful for those of us that have felt this tug before. Thank you for sharing your experience and feelings.

  • Devon - Were u able to catch up with this woman? Thank you for being honest. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  • Cyndy - Disembarking from a recent flight to see relatives, my husband and I were caught up in the rush of people getting from the gate to baggage claim. As we were being swept along an anguished sobbing caught our attention from the far corner. I was immediately drawn to put down my carry-on baggage and go sit with the person, perhaps pray. My heart hurt for the pain I was hearing in their cry.

    I confess to you, that I was not obedient to the Holy Spirit’s urging. Had I been alone I have no doubt I would have reached out to the person in pain, but I allowed the needs of another to excuse my responsibility to God’s voice. That experience nags at me. At first it was like an actual smack to the face–that I would be so callous to another’s need. I thought of the Good Samaritan and realized I’d surely been one who passed by and gone my way. What if God had prepared this person’s heart to finally hear the Gospel message and I was the one the Holy Spirit could have used to speak Truth–or to at least plant seed in a fertile soil!

    I, too, repented of this missed opportunity and confessed it as sin. And I committed to the Lord an obedience to His voice and response to His call of speaking to others.
    I want to be the one sharing His message!

  • Stefanie - Thanks so much sharing Tammy. <3 it.

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