Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – I’m not learning to juggle…I’m learning to run.


I’m not learning to juggle.  I’m learning to run?? What does that even mean?

It all started when I mouthed the words under my breath…”I quit.”  Have you ever said those words?  “I quit.”  Last week, during our trip to student camp, I had reached a point of utter exhaustion.  When it comes to late nights and going all day…I’m just not what I used to be.  There was a moment where I began to look at my to-do list that waited for me at home and I thought…There’s no way – not with just one “me”.  Somehow I’ve managed to take on more projects and responsibilities than I can possibly handle!

In fact, I was talking recently with a friend about how I’ve been trying to juggle so many things.  I told her that the reality is I don’t like to “quit” anything.  Yet there are times I look at my responsibilities and my endeavors and I think…it’s just impossible.  I quit.  But quit what?

Where do I begin to figure out what I need to quit.  Everything I’m doing seems important to me for one reason or another.  With all addition and no subtraction, what ends up happening is I add more and more balls to my juggling act and find myself feeling that any moment they might all come crashing down.

But then I had a God-given clarifying moment.  My friend reminded me that it’s not a juggling act…it’s a race.

The Bible speaks of it often.  Hebrews 12:1b says,
Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

  • It’s interesting that sin is not the only thing that Paul mentions as a weight to be cast off.  He urges us to cast off anything that slows us down…anything that keeps us from running well.
  • It’s also interesting that, as he talks about running a race, there is no mention of juggling.
  • Most importantly – This race was set before me by God.

…the race God has set before me.

I’m reading a book called Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels.  In it, he talks about clearly defining what God desires for us to do.  My “calling” can be defined as  “what God has set before me”.  The reality is, God created me and knows His dreams for my life – what He desires for me to be and do.  His dreams for me are individual and He even promises that He will empower me to accomplish them.  He wants me to run.

1 Corinthians 9:24 says, Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!

So, I’ve been prayerfully contemplating what God has given me to do and what I’ve signed up for on my own.    I am waiting on Him even now to confirm in my heart all that He desires for me to do.

Then, I can confidently approach each day.  I can run the race.  I don’t have to worry about being over-taxed or overwhelmed.  I will have laid all my weights aside and set out in stride.
Giant tomatoPINIMAGE
While preparing this post, God reminded me of a story.  Some 10 years ago, I was watching the Today Show and they were interviewing a man who won the prize for the worlds largest tomato.  This tomato was impressive to say the least.  They asked the  guy, “How do you grow the worlds largest tomato?”  In response, he walked over to a table with some small seedling tomato plants.  He said, “When you noticed dead leaves tear them off.”  I thought to myself…Tell me something I don’t know.  But then he did something that caused me to remember the segment until this day.  He reached down to one of the healthy little budding tomatoes and tore it’s branch from the vine.  He proceeded to do so until all of them but one were gone.  He said, in order for this to be a prize winning tomato…something spectacular, everything else – good and bad – has to go.

Are you carrying weights you weren’t meant to carry?  Is it inhibiting your growth? How is your pace on the race “He has set before you?”  Ask God to show you what to cast aside.  That’s what I’m doing.

In Matthew 11:28-29 Christ says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

God is causing me to ask the tough questions…What do I need to quit?   Keeping the desire to bring glory to God foremost in my heart and mind, I can use my gifts and talents to run freely, the race He set before me.  You can too!

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  • Ginamaria Lewandowski - I am thankful that I went to your Fb post. I can honestly say that 3 years ago I quit…lost my job after being sick, my oldest was on probation. Rich’s Mom Mom died after I was so sure that God was going to heal her physically. She knew Jesus and we only got to see her each year for a short time.
    Mom Mom would come down from Pa around Nov or Dec to stay a few days with us. We used to always go to JcPenneys to get family pictures. I wanted to be with Jesus not have her leave such a gap.
    I met Jesus at Vacation Bible School on August 12, 1988. Vacation Bible School and Solid Rock youth group at Calvary Assembly of God in Dover, DE. Joining the church within three months.
    Sometimes the road seems so impossible to bear, yet I know that Jesus loves me more than I can ever imagine. I have four beautiful young adults. That are getting ready to spread their wings and fly. This is the hardest thing that I have ever faced before.
    Letting go and trusting God. My challenge is my 20 year marriage to Richard. My Mom living with us. Trying to forgive and forget the junk of the past.
    Thank you for being real, please pray for my family and I. For some reason we just went another direction when taught the truth and the life is Jesus Christ.

  • Jo Lee - Just not getting to read this post. Thank you soooo much! I needed this so much

  • Ruth - Tammy thanks for this post. Really an answer to prayer. Just thinking of the song “Word of God Speak” and saw this post. Especially touch by your following remarks.”Are you carrying weights you weren’t meant to carry? Is it inhibiting your growth? How is your pace on the race “He has set before you?” Ask God to show you what to cast aside. That’s what I’m doing.

  • Jennie - I adore Matthew 11:28…we must remember HE is in charge of the entire race!! Thanks, Tammy!

  • Chris O. - Tammy, I think this is something we all need to be reminded of. As I continue to grow in my walk with the Lord, He is showing me clearly the areas of ministry He’s prepared for me. But if I’m too busy and sidetracked with things He hasn’t called me to, I will become frustrated and burnt out. He can handle those other things without my help and He will only fill those needs when I step aside and focus on His calling and design for my life. I pray that many women would take this message to heart and be free to be all God has called them to be!

  • Fran - Tammy: I can’t begin to express how much I needed this today this is so me!! I take on so much in my life and I really need to just take a step back and not take on more than I need to, and realizewhat the most important things are!! I am learning more and more to turn more over to the Lord above!! Thank you again Tammy for your blogs!!!

  • darren - thanks for this post today tammy, i really needed to hear this today. I think in this busy world we live in , we always need a reminder to step back and see what is really important.

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