Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – A Reason to Celebrate!


This past Sunday, I was blessed to witness the first baptism service at LifeHouse Church!  What a wonderful testimony and declaration that Christ is Lord.

Believer’s Baptism is a personal step of obedience.  By being baptized, you are signifying that you have put your faith in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection to save you from your sins.  It’s a way of saying, “Christ is Lord.  And He is Lord of my life.”

The service Sunday was the most moving baptism service I have ever been privileged to be a part of.  We shed tears of joy and celebrated!  It was especially meaningful to me because two of my children were baptized.  What made it more special is that they were baptized by their own dad.  I never imagined it would be this way.
PINIMAGEEarlier in the week I had a conversation with my kids.  I wanted to make sure my children understood what it meant to be baptized.  I explained that when we go under the water we symbolized Christ being buried.  But when we come up out of the water, we show His victory over death.  He made a way for us to reconnect with God.  When we get baptized, we are showing others that we have put our faith in His perfect sacrifice on our behalf.

Last night in bed, I was reflecting on the wonderful day we had.  “Buried in the likeness of His death.  Raised to walk in newness of life.” These words I’ve heard at many baptism ceremonies.  “Newness of life”.  The words brought to mind a verse.

    My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  Galatians 2:20

Dying to Christ.  I no longer live…Christ lives in me.
Do you know that for the longest time, when I would read those words I would think to myself, being “crucified with Christ” meant I need to give up the ‘bad things’ I do and live for God – put an end to what is bad in me.

Not that there is anything wrong with “giving up” sin but there’s so much more to this verse.  Let me explain.

I recall at the age of 15 giving God my life and saying, “Please be my Lord.  Help me to put aside my ambition and agenda and follow You.”  I was willing to turn from the bad I was doing in my life and follow Him.  I figured once I was willing to allow God to use me, He could take what’s good in me and make it better.
Well, just recently, over 25 years later, I am clueing in to something very profound (at least to me).

When I am crucified with Christ…He wants me to crucify the best of me along with the worst.

What?  How could I say such a thing?!?…that God wants the good in me to die along with the bad?!?…

…because the good in me could never be good enough.

The Bible says, “We are all infected and impure with sin.  When we display our righteous (morally right or justifiable) deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6

Every effort I make for God on my own initiative, no matter how noble or well intended, is actually inhibiting God’s ability to work in and through me.  If there is any trace of self reliance, it hinders His full access to my heart and life.

So I choose to die – the good, the bad, the ugly.

This special baptism day was great reminder…I want to be daily buried in the likeness of His death and raised to walk in newness of life.

His life in me.

Nothing more…nothing less!

How about you?



Okay, I’ve really enjoyed the new hobby of jewelry making.  I know I posted a couple of weeks ago about our LifeHouse BeautyFULL event where the ladies made their own jewelry.  I have since then taken a liking to making jewelry creations of my very own for gifts or just for fun!   Comment on today’s blog and you’ll be entered to win your own hand-made earrings, by…me!  🙂  You can even tell me your favorite color! It almost got away from me…the winner of this week’s blog drawing is Heather Sisofo!!  Congratulations Heather!



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  • HEather - Cant wait for the next baptism!

  • Nana - Very special day to see my son baptising my grandson and granddaughter…. God is so good to me. And, I give him thanks!

  • Jennie - I love that – the best of me, along with the worst in me! I’m just a sinner, saved by grace – thanks, Tammy!

  • Christy - Congratulations on the baptisms! What a joy it is to know that we have two more very precious brothers and sisters in Christ! 🙂 And how special that Dad got to do the honors!

  • Stefanie - Love the photos! Sorry the girls and I missed such an amazing event, looking forward to the next one. 🙂 Guess what….I’m wearing my earings that I made today — love them. See you tonight.

  • Fran - Truly awesome!! Wish I was there to experience it on Sunday!!! I can not wait for the next one!!!

  • Katie - Tam, I think this was very profound as well!!! Loved this post. Thank you for the blessing, Katie

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