Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – An Ever-Present God


We recently welcomed a new little furry member to our family – an adorable Ragdoll kitten. I named him Clive after my favorite author, C. S. Lewis.  Clive has been a blessing.  He loves to play hard and sleep just as hard.  I know he’s just a cat but he has brought happiness and laughter to our family with all his silly antics.  Our kids can’t get enough of him!  He’s a simple little guy.  Not a care in the world!


When I think back to several months ago and losing our cat Sam, I remember how the kids were so sad.  I was sad.  When your kids hurt…you hurt.  At the time, the thought of another little kitten was just not even an option.  But, after a while, we were ready.

Watching Clive scamper around the house and, worn out, curl up next to me for a nap, I’m reminded that God is gracious.  He gives good gifts.  In the times of sadness, He is ever present.  In the times of joy, He is there too.  When I look at Clive I think of new beginnings and the fact that no matter what chapter of life I am in…God is with me.

I want to share a passage of scripture that just brags on our Wonderful, Loving, God.  I hope it encourages many hearts today:

Psalm 145: 8-19
8 The Lord is merciful and compassionate,
 slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
9 The Lord is good to everyone.
    He showers compassion on all his creation.
  10 All of your works will thank you, Lord,
  and your faithful followers will praise you.
11 They will speak of the glory of your kingdom;
 they will give examples of your power.
12 They will tell about your mighty deeds
 and about the majesty and glory of your reign.
13 For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.
    You rule throughout all generations.  The Lord always keeps his promises;
 he is gracious in all he does.
14 The Lord helps the fallen
 and lifts those bent beneath their loads.
15 The eyes of all look to you in hope;
 you give them their food as they need it.
16 When you open your hand,
 you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in everything he does;
 he is filled with kindness.
18 The Lord is close to all who call on him,
 yes, to all who call on him in truth.
19 He grants the desires of those who fear him;
 he hears their cries for help and rescues them.


Since I was a girl, I have loved Tastykakes.  My favorite has always been the Tasty-Klair Pie!  When I went off to college I learned that Tastykakes are mostly sold in our region here in Delaware and the North East.  In fact, they originated in Pennsylvania.  Imagine my disappointment when I realized I couldn’t get a Tastykake from the local mini-mart on my study breaks at school.  I had to bring a stash with me from home and ration them so they would not go too quickly!  I also had to hide them from my roommate who all to often snacked on my goodies.  Today I’m going to share some of that goodness with you.  If you comment on today’s blog, you will be entered to win a Tasty-Klair Pie for your next snack break!


And the winner of this week’s blog post drawing is…Sue Sweeney, chosen by random drawing.  Congratulations Sue.


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  • Julie M - This is such an inspirational post and scripture…thanks for sharing!

  • Laura Moore - Love your new kitty! I need to make that move too! Our Willie died two years ago and I still haven’t gotten a new kitten. Funny about those Tastycakes…I don’t think we ever had those when we lived in DE…and I sure haven’t seen them here in AZ. I can’t really remember. Thanks for the encouraging words-

  • Pamala McMorrow - Dear Tammy, Although I usually don’t like cats, your little Clive is adorable. And I’m glad he is filling a void for you and your children. Pets are a wonderful thing and can bring so much joy to a family. God Bless for sharing.

  • Fran - Tammy: I just love the pics of Clive so so so cute by the way did I say cute lol. And the reminder that God is good, All the time!! Thank you so much!!!!

  • Candie Baldridge - Isn’t it wonderful the grace and mercy of our Lord and how He is always close!

  • Lisa - I have never tried the Tasty-Klair. Never seen them actually but LOVE me some Kandy-Cakes so I’m sure these are twice as delicious! This could easily be a new obsession.

  • Sue Sweeney - Tammy – great lesson and reminder that God is good – all the time! He knows our needs when we need them. Your kitty is precious. I hope you and the family have many wonderful hours of entertainment thru this little guy. As for the Tasty-Klair…that is my favorite Tastykake, so I hope your computer picks me to win.
    Love you!

  • Michelle Parrish - Your little Clive is adorable, thanks for sharing the pics. I really love the verses you shared today!! By the way Tasty-Klair pies have always been my favorite too but I haven’t had one in years! lol Have a great day and thanks for your blog!

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