Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – God in the Details of Life


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Phil 4:6-7

Years ago while pondering the fact that God sees when a sparrow falls to the ground and that He tells me to cast my cares on Him because He cares for me, I began to wonder if God meant…ALL of my cares – even the ones that are not completely life-altering?  What about when I lose my car keys?  Or when one of the kids has a test in school? Can I pray for something like that?  What about those types of prayers?

God has taught me so much about Himself while praying for the small things in life. As an example, I want to share with you a simple request that God graciously heard and answered.

A few months ago, Sophie, my 7 year old came to me and said, “Mom, I need you to buy me a new Nintendo DS.”  (For those of you who don’t have children, this is a portable game system.  We invested in these for our kids because of the extensive travel we were doing with Calling Levi, www.callinglevi.com, and the long hours on the bus.)

These little gaming systems aren’t cheap so when she casually asked for a new one, I kinda freaked out.   I think the conversation went something like this…
“What?  What do you mean you want a new one?  What’s wrong with the one you have?”

“I lost it.  Maybe in Kentucky.”

“What do you mean?  How long ago was that?!”

“I don’t know.  Like a month.”

“A month?!?!  Are you sure?”

“No, I’m not sure.  I just don’t know where it is.”

“Honey, those little game things cost a lot of money!  We can’t get you another one!  Even if we did have the money, I wouldn’t be buying another one. You need to learn to be responsible for your belongings.”

It’s right about now that my “type A” personality usually kicks in and I turn the house upside down looking for it.  I want to worry – “All that money!  Wasted!  Down the tubes!”  I obsess….retrace my steps.  Try to think like a seven year old.  Look and look and look.  Stress and stress until I lose hope and give it up as a lost cause.  

But I’m learning to do things a little differently:
I decided to pray and ask God to help us find it.  He cares about how we spend our money and if it matters to us that it’s lost, then it matters to Him.

After looking in the obvious places for her DS, I got alone and said to God, “God, I know this is not a dire situation but I know you want me to be wise with what You’ve given us.  I’m tempted to worry and fret over this but instead, I’m going to give it over to You.  If her DS is where it can still be found, would you bring it to my attention?  Would You help me to find it?”

Weeks passed, and every time I would think of the DS I would say to God, “God, I’m not going to worry about the DS.  I have committed the situation to You and if we have to go without it, we will.”

Then, late one evening, I was finishing up some Christmas shopping at WalMart.  As I was looking at boys sweatshirts, a thought came to my mind out of nowhere!  “Check for Sophie’s DS under the seat in your car.”  This thought came right out of left field. I wasn’t thinking about that DS at all!  In fact, I thought to myself…”God, is that You?  If that DS is under the car seat I just might have a spell!” (I’ve heard that term…but I’m not quite sure what it means.)

As I pushed my cart through the crowded clothing racks, I thought more about the possibility.  The seats in our van are so close to the floor. There’s a lot of mechanical stuff under them.  I’ve never known of anything to fall down there.  I can barely even fit my hand under the seats.  I would never think to look under the seats in the van.

Well, I checked out at WalMart about 45 minutes later and, wouldn’t you know…I completely forgot to look under the seats in the car.

The next morning, I was loading the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher and, out of the blue, a thought came to my mind, “Remember last night?  You never looked under the car seat for Sophie’s DS.”  I immediately turned off the water, walked out to the van stuck my hand under the driver’s seat and THERE IT WAS!  I didn’t have to scramble around, it was right there tucked low beneath the mechanics for the chair adjustor!  It had been there for almost two months!  The best word to describe my delight was that I was simply GIDDY!  Because I found Sophie’s DS?  No.  Because God heard my prayer, answered it and even brought the hiding place to my attention – He answered my seemingly silly little prayer.

You may be saying, “What’s so great about this story?”
As I have shared in recent posts…I’ve faced a few challenges and tearfully asked God for help to get through them.  By recalling this story about Sophie’s DS I am reminded…

  • Seeing God work in the small things gives me confidence that He is certainly at work in the big things too!  While praying over recent difficulties,I found myself saying, “Hey, if God cares to guide me to a lost DS, I KNOW He’s working in this situation.  If God cares to answer those small requests…I know He is actively at work right now!
  • Sometimes you have to wait for God’s answer to your request to be revealed, but it doesn’t mean that God has forgotten – even when you begin to forget. – God could have directed me to the DS right away but He allowed me to wait.  Even after I had almost forgotten about it, He hadn’t.  He revealed it’s hiding place to me when I least expected it.  By doing this, He was able to show me that in the big areas of my life where I am required to wait, He is still at work.  He has not forgotten.

Let me summarize:

In the grand scheme of the things, that DS doesn’t mean a hill of beans.

But God answered.
God cared to reveal His power – to show me He’s listening.
As I wait on God in the harder things in life I can remind myself, He cares and He will answer!

I encourage you to bring ALL of your requests to God.  As He answers in the small things, your faith will grow and you can trust that He is working on your behalf in the requests that are really close to your heart.

Oh, and by the way, there are more stories.  There are plenty more!  Just not enough room to write them all here.

What small thing can you bring to God today?  Is He bringing it to your attention right now?  I encourage you to pray a little pray like this:

“God, okay, Tammy wants me to pray about this trivial need I have.  She’s telling me that You care about even the small things in my life.  So, right now, I commit ___________ to You.  I know You tell me in Your Word (The Bible) that You care about me more than a flock of sparrows.  Answer me, I pray, and increase my faith. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Let these verses encourage your heart today:
Matthew 10:29-31
29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

Matthew 6-25-33
25“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?  28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

31“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.



My Cup of Tea


Today I want to share one of my favorite finds.  I love fashion jewelry.  One day I took a stroll through Forever21 in the mall.  Now, I will admit, most of the clothing in there is a little young for me.  However, I have found things here and there that I’ve worn and received compliments on.  The one thing I can always go to is their large jewelry/accessory display.  They have tons of fun items to choose from and the best part is the price!  Literally, items start around $3.  You can’t beat it.  Those who comment on today’s blog will be entered to win a $10 gift certificate for Forever21.  You never know what little treasure you might find!

And the winner is…chosen by random generator – Amy Duke!  Please E-mail me at tammy@luminosityonline.com with your mailing address and we will get your gift card out to you!


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  • Rachel Carter - What a great reminder….He cares and HE knew I needed this and what I needed to commit, be still and KNOW that HE IS GOD!! Thanks again!

  • Debbie - Love, love, love to hear of God’s faithfulness in the small stuff. He does care about our every need. Thanks for sharing, Tammy.

  • Jennie - I often think of the sparrow, of how God knows the number of hairs on our head…bring everything to God in prayer…what an awesome God He is!!

  • Candie - I love how God appears in the middle of things! It is wonderful when we are reminded He loves us, cares for us, and listens. Praise the Lord!

  • amy j. - I love how God cares about the details in life!

  • Kim Hecksher - Tam,
    Thank you for the reminder that God does love us and answers our prayers in the big and small things.

  • Jenny Pyryt - One day a few weeks ago Jay and I were walking on Woodland Beach looking for driftwood. We came across a long stretch of beach that had lots of interesting rocks and sea glass washed up. Jay stooped over and picked up a rock shaped like a pickle, and said, “Look! It’s a pickle rock!” He looked so silly and happy that I cracked up. He then dropped the rock among the hundreds of thousands of others and we continued our walk. As we were walking, my thoughts kept returning to that rock. I wished that I hadn’t let him throw it back, because it would have been a good token of this fun day, and would always remind me of that silly, happy look on his face. So I asked God to guide me to that rock on our way back to the car. I acknowledged that it was a trivial prayer, and if God was busy with, I don’t know, HEALING somebody or something, not to worry about it, but it would be nice to find that rock. I thought it would be impossible, I mean there were hundreds of thousands of rocks on that beach…practically the whole beach was covered with washed up rocks. I couldn’t even remember exactly where we were when he found it…well, as we walked and talked, I kept looking down at all the rocks and praying in my head; I didn’t want to tell Jay I was praying about the pickle rock; I was a little embarassed that he would think I had lost my mind. We were almost to the end of the beach, when my eye spotted something unmistakably gherkin shaped…it was the PICKLE ROCK!! I joyfully scooped it up and said, “Look! Here it is!” I laughed and even teared up, because I felt that God had seen me, and heard me and that was awesome. That rock is right above my kitchen sink where I can see it every day and be reminded not only of the funny, happy husband that God gave me, but that He cares for me and sees and hears me, even in something as trivial as a rock on the beach.

  • Amy Gregory - Thanks so much for this reminder. I definately have to get better in asking for ALL things, not just the big ones. Your ability to seek God in everthing you say and do is one of the things I love most about you! Thanks for this blessing today.

  • Michele Hartman - I can relate to this…we’ve been searching for a set of keys since last night. My 8 yr. old daughter hid them and cannot remember where. Thank you for reminding me to pray for the small things in life also!

  • Fran - I feel like I am always praying lately and I have often said God ,” is this prayer too small and silly” and to great surprise no !! No prayer is too small or to silly because I am finding that God is answering even the smallest of [prayers for me:) I love reading your blogs Tammy because I can relate to almost everyone!! Thank you agaon Tammy for all you are doing!!!! xoxoxo

  • Ginger Foglio - Thank you Tammy for allowing our Lord to use you in such a mighty way. You are so relatable, if that is really a Lord, lol. I know that I and many others look forward to your Tuesday blog and relate to what you share. And I amsure after reading what you share they share it as well. Thanks! May you have a blessed day and know that you are all thought about and prayed for daily.<3

  • Chris O'Donnell - I have prayed for small things in my life, almost feeling silly about it at times. But to my amazement, God has answered these prayers in real and tangible ways. I’m always blown away that He would care about even the tiniest detail of my life.

  • katie - Tam, the funny thing is, when I came up for your last gala I lost my make up case. Not that I wear a ton of makeup, but what I had, I treasured and missed!! For months,I couldn’t figure out where it was. One day,it hit me to look under my passenger side seat in my car. There it was!! Months later, I finally got my makeup back! Yay! God cares if I have concealer or not!

  • Amy Duke - Thank you, Tammy for your post. What perfect timing for me. I just finished praying for God’s protection over our baby boy’s first vaccinations this morning- something I am finding myself very worried about. I know to give it to God but am struggling with the worry this morning. I was also praying for something “small” as our 8 year old has state school standardized testing beginning today. She was struggling with worry about her test and we went to God about it together. Thank you for the reminder that God loves to show his faithfulness to us in ways both big and small.

  • Sue Sweeney - Tammy, Our God is an awesome God and He cares for even those things we think are too small and trivial. He also answers our prayers in HIS timing, not ours…we must trust Him. Thank you so much for this posting today – reminding all of us that God does care!

  • Devon - Tam, you gave me the words I needed today…thank you for sharing your story and for the reminder. I am going to come to Jesus today with my BIG and TRIVIAL worries and I’m going to LAY THEM AT HIS FEET!

  • Amber Cameron - Thanks for sharing today Tammy, i love this!!! We often forget God cares about even the small things that seem somewhat insignificant. The point of faith is believing and surrendering ALL things to Him and knowing with confidence He will answer our prayers even if its not the answers we were looking for, its always His best!

  • Paula Cook - I love this and am so familiar with these types of prayers-mine are not for a DS but for my keys and glasses cause I never can remember where I put them as I am running out the door:) I also pray the gas prayer quite often-“Lord, please get me to the gas station.” God is very faithful even in the small things!
    So glad you found your daughter’s game. I have prayed for you all to find an animal that suits your family and lifestyle!
    Don’t worry about entering me in your drawing:) I just enjoy reading your blog.

  • Michelle Parrish - Tammy, I love,love,love your blog. It is just amazing to hear your insights in our daily lives and how God uses the little things. I have prayed for things that I thought were silly and little and yet He answered. He does care no matter how big or how small our need, thank you for reminding me of that once again. Have a wonderful day and thanks again for sharing you heart!

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