Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – A Little Pet Peeve


Okay, I have a small pet-peeve…and I’m sure this may step on some toes.  I do not mean to offend in any way. I really don’t.  I’m just trying to be my transparent self.  My pet peeve is when I’m scrolling through the Facebook news feed and I see,
“If you think your mother is special…you’ll share this.”
“If you hate cancer, you’ll re-post.”
“If you love God, you won’t be ashamed to hit ‘like’.”

These posts are becoming common on Facebook.  There’s no doubt that I usually agree with them but here’s what I’m learning…

Living out the truth is so much more difficult to do than “liking”, “sharing” or “re-posting” a thought on Facebook!

In other words:
“If you think your mother is special…show her some way today.”
“If you hate cancer, pray for those who are fighting it and encourage them. Maybe go with them for their treatments.  Listen when they want to talk.
“If you love God, let it play out in your life.”

I am realizing that God is not interested in all the good things I champion on Facebook if I’m not living it out in “real life”.  In fact, I believe it’s His intention to bring me to the truth (Jesus Himself) in every situation I face.  And here’s the deal: It’s sometimes painful.

A few posts back I blogged about losing my cat, my buddy Sam.  It was a sad time and, of course, I shed many tears.  One thing that helped me through was the fact that two weeks prior to Sam’s death we received an adorable puppy as a gift from my brother.  We named her Selah with means “Pause and Reflect”.  Selah is a Blue Lacy.

To learn more about this breed, Mark bought a book.  We learned this breed is a high energy working dog.  They love to herd and hunt.  They thrive in wide-open spaces.  In fact, in the book, the author said, “If you cannot give this dog a lot of room to roam you need to consider another breed.”  Well, Selah was already our pet.  She was now part of the family and we were going to make this work!


I was determined to give her a happy life here in our subdivision in Townsend.  I began teaching her new things each day.  And she learned quickly!  We developed a nice routine.  However, Mark and I knew she would need to expend a lot of energy so we began walking 2 miles with her every day.  As she grew, Mark began running with her 5 miles a day.  I was sure this would tire her out and make her a happy and contented dog.

But over the past month, we’ve noticed that Selah needs more. She needs a job. She’s a working dog.

I began to feel a pit of worry in my stomach that this was not going to work.  As questions began to arise in my heart and mind, I became a little angry.

“God, can’t You work this out?  Why does this have to be so hard?  Seems like everyone has pets!  Why can’t we just help Selah adjust to suburbia?  Giving her up is not an option…what should we do?  The kids would be so upset to let her go!  Why do we have to go through more grief?  I thought receiving Selah was Your way of comforting us when Sam died!”

I finally ended my tantrum and began to quietly listen.  In an attitude of surrender of my stubborn heart, I began to spend some time alone with God to see what His plan was in all of this.  That morning my devotion read,

    “In truth, the blessing of God is that He gives us what He knows we need, even when we’ve told Him in no uncertain terms what it is we’d rather have.”

I submitted my will to Him and became aware of what we needed to do.

Facebook status…”If you love God, you won’t be ashamed to ‘like’ this status, you’ll obey even when it hurts.”

I began praying on Monday of last week for wisdom from God.  I began to ask what was best for Selah.   As I prayed, I became more unsettled about keeping her here in our home.

Mark and I talked with Blue Lacy breeders across the country for advice. “Can we make a high energy, working dog our household pet?”   Out of their love for the breed, they each encouraged us to place her somewhere that she would be able to work – a farm, a ranch.  So, with a sad heart I then began to pray for God to show us where Selah needed to be.  During that time of prayer, God gave me a quote to cling to.  Funny enough I saw the quote while scrolling through the Facebook news feed..  It said,

“Hold On.  God knows what He’s doing.”

I prayed.

God comforted.

Then He opened a door.

Friday of last week, we placed Selah in a home with a woman who rescues Blue Lacys and places Blue Lacys with people who need good working dogs.  She has 9 Blue Lacys of her own and tons of acreage to run.

I cried.  I grieved.  I miss Selah.

Our house has been quiet.  Her toys, her crate, and her food have been collected and stored in our garage.

Facebook status:  “If you love God you’ll hit ‘like,  you’ll trust Him.”

It’s been only 5 days since I said goodbye to Selah.  I’ve been reminded of her often throughout each day.  I wonder how she’s doing.  I wonder who she will be placed with.  I wonder what type of job she’ll be taught.

And whenever I begin to question all that has taken place I say to myself…

“Hold on.  God knows what He’s doing.”

I mentioned earlier, Selah means “Pause and Reflect.”
As you face the difficult situation you find yourself in today, join me in taking time to “pause and reflect” on what we know to be true.

Your situation is hard?          HOLD ON – God knows what He’s doing.
The odds are against you?         HOLD ON – God knows what He’s doing.
You are in need of hope this very minute?        HOLD ON – God knows what He’s doing.
You don’t understand this recent trial?        HOLD ON – God knows what He’s doing.

Take this phrase with you today.  I’ve found it to be a comfort when my mind begins to doubt.  I may not have all of life’s answers…but Hold On – God knows what He’s doing!


My Cup Of Tea

PINIMAGEOkay, here’s a product I’ve been using for several years now.  It’s called Heat Protexx by Nexxus.  This is a leave-in spray protectant for your hair.  I have found some leave-in conditioners to be too heavy for my hair.  This product always leave my hair shiny and bouncy.  I don’t use it every day but every time I do, I notice a big difference in the look and feel of my hair.  I really love this product.

If you comment on today’s blog, you’ll be entered to win a drawing for your own bottle of Heat Protexx.  Hope you’ll agree it’s a wonderful product!

And the winner is, (chosen by random drawing), Melody!  Please e-mail me at tammy@luminosityonline.com with your contact information so that we can get your bottle of Heat Protexx out to you!


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  • Lynae - I noticed Mark running alone yesterday…now I know why. I wasn’t planning to read your blog, but a friend of mine had a fb status encouraging a read of it…now I know why. I’ll pray for you all & Selah each morning I see Mark now…now you know why.

  • Jen - Tammy- I know this was such a hard decision for you and Mark… We do love our pets so much more than we can really express in words. I find it incredibly selfless that you put so much care and time into understanding Selah and doing what was best for her. And you are so right that we do have to HOLD ON and know that God knows what He is doing. Thanks for that encouragement and I promise to never to repost those annoying FB chain things. I hate those too!

  • Penny McKenney - Tammy I to lost my cat last year, it was so hard to make that gut rentching decision,but new it had to be done. So with the Lord help I was able to do it then I again I had to put my faith steps in action when my mom became sick with cancer, she has since gone home with Jesus,the hardest thing I have ever had to surrender to to the Lord.God Is so faithful,who I give all the glory and praise. God bless.

  • Todd - Tammy thanks for sharing your difficult time…I know it was very hard on you! You did the right thing… You put Selah’s well being above your own pain!

  • Candi Shoupe - I dislike the “repost if you….” status on Facebook as well. Our family also went thru situation in which we had to give up a family pet last year. It is a very tough decision that requires lots of prayer. Not every dog breed or even individual dogs within certain breeds adjust to being just a family pet.

  • Erica - I couldn’t agree more about those ridiculous posts!! Sorry about Selah, but what a great example of “Hold on – God knows what he’s doing”. Perfect.

  • Molly Tomlin - Tammy,

    Loved your post…so sorry for your hard week and praying Selah finds a wonderful home!

  • Angie Crosswhite - Thank you for sharing this, it really touched me! Your act of obedience to the Lord was also an act of true, pure, unselfish love for Selah. It is a good reminder of what God’s picture of love is. It is about loving and wanting what is best for someone else even if it is hard for us. I too, get annoyed by those facebook lines! God bless you and yours!

  • Pamala McMorrow - What a wonderful but sad story of unselfishness. It is so hard losing a pet no matter how it comes about. I trust God will bring you another pet in your life for you and your family to enjoy. I had a lab, but they also should be outdoors a good bit, but they also make excellent house dogs or my friend has a labradoodle and they don’t shed and are truely ADORABLE!! Look up a picture of one of them, and they will steal your heart but good. lol. Enjoyed reading your blog once again.

  • Lisa Kerns - That is so sad about Selah. I think you made the right choice, but I feel for you and the kids. Thanks for turning it into an encouraging word for us:)

  • Theresa Hennessy - I share your pet peeve, I love my dogs like they were my kids and each day after the last several years of “life junk” I CHOOSE daily to say, “I am going to CHOOSE today God that your plan is bigger than I can even imagine.” Even though many days I just want to give up crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head. Thank you for the reminder today that even when the things God asks us to do seem senseless and insane to others and ourselves that His plan is bigger. Trust and Obey for there is no other way. Praying for you and your family that the hole in your home and hearts will heal.

  • Christy Artymenko - Awesome job! I needed this today!

  • Jennie - Aren’t we blessed that God knows EXACTLY what He’s doing, always, every second of every minute of every day!! Thank-you, Tammy!

  • amber - it’s often hard putting the needs of someone else above your own, but it’s always inspiring. i cannot imagine how hard it was to take selah to the farm, but i do hope that she finds exactly what she needs to thrive. thinking of you & your family during this time.

  • Michelle Parrish - Tammy, I really enjoy reading your blogs. Thank you for being so down to earth, for your insights and your wisdom. Thanks for letting God use you! I love you!!

  • Katie - Sorry to hear about Selah leaving your family! I know she misses you!!

  • Devon - Thank you for these words this morning. I am really struggling right now with WHY…WHY LORD am I in pain daily? WHY cant the doctors just give me a dx and some meds to feel better? WHY is our daughter STILL a mystery with her health issues? WHY are the doctors acting as though they could care-less about her? Everytime our sweet Eva Rose has had a 100% dx from the doctors, we have quickly come to the conclusion that they were wrong…He took those horrible life-threatening diseases from her tiny body. WHY does it feel like its happening all over again..I feel like we are on the brink of yet another horrible dx and I AM SCARED! I find myself hugging her more, kissing her more, staring at her…WHY LORD?? Bring peace to me. Clinging to YOU HAVE HER IN YOUR HANDS

  • NANCY ALEXANDER - Thank you so much for sharing this post. I’m with you on the FB posts too…I know where my faith stands, and I don’t need to prove that to anyone except God himself! Honestly, these people are hypocrites IMHO!

    What a difficult decision to have made regarding Selah, yet you held on, through your faith, and allowed God to guide you to making the right decision. Now your heart can be at peace knowing that Selah is leading her God led path as a working dog, romping in frolicking in green pastures!

  • Tabatha Beam - Something def to meditate on!

  • Debbie Brown - Thanks, Tammy for your commitment to the Lord and for sharing what He puts on your heart.

  • Rachel - Well, another heartfelt and powerful message. This is what I needed to hear this morning! Thank you! I will pray for all of you and your new adjustments!!

  • Fran - It amazes me every week that I find myslef relating to your blog in some way!! I love your blogs every week !!! I always found myslef re-posting things like that, I have also found myself not doing it so much anymore1 I am def reposting this one!!!!

  • Chris O'Donnell - This has always been a pet peeve of mine too Tammy. “Forward this to 10 people if you love Jesus.” I never do repost or forward these types of messages. I do love Jesus and try to show it by the way I live my life. Thanks for being willing to share your heart with us every week!

  • Rachel Carter - Tammy, again the very words I needed to hear! Thanks for sharing! I need to HOLD ON!!! Cause I know MY GOD KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING! Love you

  • Lauren Weight - Great job Tammy! Every Tuesday I look forward to reading your posts, and what you talke about today was exactly what I needs this morning! Thanks for sharing.

  • Kelly - I find myself not reposting those post because of the fact anyone can. Your post really hit home for me. Thanks for taking the time to write these post I read every week but normally don’t have time to post. Had to post on this one. &ou never know God plan and pause and reflect is a great reminder.

  • Christy - I loved today’s post… except the part having Selah having to go to a new home. We had to do the same thing with our two yellow labs several years ago… they were just too big for our home, and they didn’t have anyplace to run. Now they live in the country and are very happy. I miss them, but I know that they are where God wantes them to be. Selah will find her new forever home with her very own job. I know you and your family will miss her but it all works out in the end.

  • Marti vanVeen - Thank you Tammy! I needed this so much today. We have been going through some physical changes in life and I need the “Hold On — God Know What He Is Doing!” Thank you for your encouragement through this blog!

  • Melody - funny that you mentioned the facebook thing, because they drive me nuts! lol. thanks for sharing what is on your heart & being an example by allowing God to use your situation to encourage others!

  • Tara Altenritter - Thanks for sharing Tammy!! Much needed words this morning 🙂

  • Candie - I thought I was the only one who didn’t like those posts on FB. You had a much better inner attitude about them. I felt stubborn as if to say, “how dare you guilt me into reposting something I don’t normally do,” (I rarely repost unless its very important or dear to me…or just really funny) and I would move on by these posts. You’re right though, its better to show these things in your life than to post them in such a way on a FB status. Anyhow, I do understand the obeying till it hurts thing. I’ve just experienced that recently with quiting smoking. God said very plainly one day….its time to quit RIGHT NOW and I did and even almost 2 months later there are days its very hard…but He’s there. Thank you for your candor. Your posts have been helpful at times, comforting at others, and always reassuring that the Lord is near. God Bless.

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