Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – Don’t Dump the Grump



It’s interesting how a moment in time can shake you from trivialities of life and sober you up to think about what’s important.  You know what I’m talking about.  Sometimes it’s just very simple whisper to stop and take notice of.  And sometimes the moment can stop you in your tracks.

PINIMAGESome recent sobering moments in my life:

Just this morning I was spending some quiet time with God and as I flipped through the pages of my Bible, I came upon a picture my daughter Sophie drew probably 2-3 years ago.   “I love Mom.”  What a precious little gift she is!  What a great responsibility to love her, protect her and point her to Christ.  My three children are all God’s unique and loving gift to me.  He has given me such precious jewels.  Just the sight of this picture reminded me of this.  Yet, I’m ashamed to say, in the hustle and bustle of life, I easily forget sometimes what special gifts they are.  It sobers me.

About a week ago, my husband and I got away for an afternoon date.  We decided to go to a movie.  As we walked in to the theater I noticed a young man probably in his early to mid twenties in the handicap row sitting in an elaborate wheel chair.  He was sitting with someone who looked as though they might be his nurse.  I didn’t stop to stare.  I simply glanced his way as I was heading to my seat.

Mark and I settled in a couple of rows behind him.  As I sat down and gazed in his direction, I wondered what injury or illness put him in this chair.  The lights began to dim and the theater went quiet.  It was then that I could hear the constant whir of the oxygen machine keeping him alive.  It’s rhythmic sound was that of a mechanical inhale and exhale.  I thought to myself,  “Here is a young man who obviously struggles every day with the very basic things of life.  He is out for an afternoon movie just like me but imagine what it took to get him here.”  I sat there sobered.

We all have sobering moments.

 So what’s the point of these sobering moments? Perhaps it’s God’s way of helping us re-prioritize our lives.  Sobering moments are a reminder of what’s important and they cast a spotlight on areas in your life where you’re missing the point.

God has revealed to me an important area where I have been missing the point.  When life gets hectic and my to-do list is longer than my day, I’ve noticed it’s easy for me to come home and unload. I, often times, find that I let out my frustrations once I’m finally behind closed doors.  It’s not that I intend to be mean or uncaring.  I just get careless, not offering the same grace and courtesy to my family that I do to others throughout the day.

I’ve even tried to let myself off the hook saying,

”Hey, I’m tired and my family should realize that I have had a rough day.”

“If the kids would be more understanding and not start in with the questions when I walk in the door, I could be more pleasant.”

“Not sure how Mark’s day was but wait until he hears about mine!”

I often forget how important it is for my home to be a haven – not just for me but also for my husband and three precious children.  My home is a place where we come to refuel.  It’s a place to come and find safety.  It’s a place to find love and support.

It’s not a place to unload.

As I’ve been preparing for this blog post, I’ve found myself repeating a corny little line:

Tammy, Don’t Dump the Grump.

Don’t unload.  Don’t forget what treasures you have at home.

I’ve thought about making a placard for inside the front door of our home to remind me that, as I walk in, I am connecting with the most important people in my life.  As I walk into my home, I am coming home to my treasures, my gifts.  Here is where I can take the opportunity to express excessive grace and love – and I should take that opportunity every time.
Maybe this blog post is your “sobering moment”.  Maybe you’ve taken for granted the blessings God’s given you.  Maybe you’ve missed the opportunity to make your home a haven by unloading on those who matter most.

Remember today…”Don’t Dump the Grump.”PINIMAGE



Today, I want to share another book with you.  It’s the biography of Amy Carmichael called “A Chance to Die”.  It’s truly one of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever read.  It has also given greater perspective on her devotional writings…knowing the experiences the writings are coming from.  Comment on today’s blog and be entered to win a copy of this incredible book for yourself!PINIMAGE

And the winner of this blog post drawing is… Letitia Ross, chosen by random generator!PINIMAGEPlease contact me at tammy@luminosityonline.com with your mailing address.  Congratulations!

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  • Sherry Pickering - Well said, Tammy! Thank you for the reminder!

  • Michele Hartman - Thank you for these sobering words!

  • Stacy Church - Love this blog! I had a sobering moment yesterday! A family with 3 children…lost one child at 6 weeks, and was told yesterday that their youngest (age 3) has brain cancer and they can’t do anything for her. I am so thankful for my two healthy babies!

  • nicole - great devotional. this has been heavy on my heart the last couple weeks and this is just another confirmation to change my perspective on this and giving my husband and kids what they need. I think its especially hard for moms who work full-time, even 2 and 3 jobs!

  • Jennie - Yet another reason I so look forward to Tuesdays – thought-provoking, and a gentle reality check, which I so needed… Thank-you, Tammy!

  • Michelle Parrish - I just love reading your blogs and your great insights. Thanks for being such a blessing and sharing what is in your heart! I love you and your beautiful family!

  • Jo - Thanks so much! I really needed this. You are a blessing.

  • Marti vanVeen - Tammy, thank you for hitting me in the head. I needed this oh so much today!. I catch myself doing that! I need to keep you motto… Don’t dump the Grump!

  • Letitia Ross - Thank you Tammy for being transparent and helping others know that they are not alone! It is so easy to take out our frustrations of the day on those we love the most. There are days that I have to drive or walk around just to let go of my day before I go home. We want our home to be a haven of love and peace, and it takes constant effort to make it just that. Thank you for reminding us of the most important blessings from God- our families!

  • Mindy Getty - Reading your blog today was one of my sobering moments. Thinking back at all the times that I let my fustration out at my family I realy needed to read this today. It’s a big wake up call. Thank you so much for posting.

  • Sarah Weaver - Your posts are such a blessing every week!

  • Paula Peterson - This was very sobering thought just as I was dumping the grump upon my family this morning. Thank you for reminding me not to!!

  • Stephanie - Some days I fight a constant battle to keep my “grump” to myself. That’s when I have to get alone with God and just share it with Him. I always end up feeling better when God gently reminds me not to let the craziness of life steal my joy. Great post, Tammy!

  • Tara Greathouse - Best blog ever. You are not alone on this my friend.

  • Holly jankiewicz - Love it! On The start of my first week at home with all 3 kids, I needed to be reminded of this. Thanks for sharing. Fondly, Holly

  • Fran - Wow as I read this today I thought, “this is so me”. Thank you so much for your post it really makes us all take a look at our lives!! I am so making that sign!!

  • Heather - I think I need to put a sign on my door too….I think it would say;
    The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~Mark Twain
    Another great post Tammy!!

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