Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – Blanket Prayers


One morning recently, I noticed my 7 yr old, Sophie had not bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen for her usual bowl of cereal so I peaked in her room and saw her still sleeping in her bed.  When I felt her head I noticed she had a pretty bad fever.  Yep, 103.5. There’s something about a sick child that brings out all the “drop everything and tend to your baby” mommy instincts.


After I got Sophie settled on the couch with ginger ale, blanket, pillow, toast, children’s ibuprofen, thermometer and stuffed animal at her side, I finally felt like I could rest.  (By the way, she was loving it!  The only thing lacking was a butler bell.)

As I sat down on the couch beside her, I began to think about how my day would have to change. I would reschedule my much needed hair appointment.  I’d work on my laptop there on the couch to be with her.  I would post-pone some things on my to-do list.  Today was about tending to my sick little girl.

Thoughts began to clear from my mind and God began to speak to me – yet another life application.

Imagine if I had gone to her room and noticed her sleeping, felt her head and decided the best plan of action was to pull a blanket over her, shut the door and hope she felt better soon? 

Sophie needed more than a blanket!

How often do we use the blanket approach to our prayers for the people in our lives that are in need?

We often walk into circumstances with friends, family, neighbors and coworkers and instead of seeking to help them or really dig deep in prayer for them we offer a blanket prayer.

            Blanket prayers sound a lot like this:

            Lord, please bless her.  (Bless her what?)

            Lord, do a work in his life.  (What kind of work?)

            Lord, be with them.  (Be with them when, where, why?)

But in all the hurt I see around me it’s clear that people need more than blanket prayers.  In fact, one of the greatest travesties about blanket prayers is that when we offer up blanket prayers, we often miss out on the reality that God goes to great lengths to answer prayer and meet needs in people’s lives.

I’ve said it many times, “The more specific I pray the more aware I become of how God delights to provide specific responses!”

I’ve been blessed, through LifeHouse, to establish some new friendships and in those new relationships I have seen people going through hard times.  As I lift them in prayer, I see God work.   He not only encourages and helps the one I’m praying for but He builds my faith as well.

So, here is something to consider.  Here’s what I’m learning…

  • I need to look around me.  I don’t have to look far to find someone around me who is hurting and in need of prayer.
  • I need to pray for them specifically:
    • For example:  Lord, I came in to find Sophie sick with fever this morning.  I pray you will heal her body.  I pray she will be feeling better soon.  You know how easy it is as a mom to worry when our kids are sick.  Help me to trust you and know that You are the great Healer.  Please allow this time that she is home with me to be an opportunity to invest in her life.  In Jesus Name, Amen.
    • When I pray, I need to remember that my good God knows the best plan of action in each and every situation.  So when I go to Him, I don’t need to go with suggestions on how He should work.  I don’t need to fill Him in on what’s going on.  Rather, I should express the need and ask Him to align my heart with His. Then, I watch Him work.
    • God might want me to be a part of meeting a need:  Is there a way that I can reach out and meet a need physically while God works to encourage this person’s heart and soul?
    • Ministering to someone in my life may mean I need to re-arrange my schedule.
    • It’s important that I stay connected to the person in need so that I can pray accordingly.  As God is working and answering, my prayers will probably change.

Let’s not offer our loved-ones “Blanket prayers”.  They need more than that.  It will be a chance for us to encourage someone’s heart while building our faith along the way.


My Cup of Tea

One of my favorite everyday items is Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer.  It’s narrow and slips easy into a pocket.  I always buy it in Champagne but it comes in many tints.  It’s great for adding frost to tone down a lipstick or just to add a little shimmer to a natural lip.  Plus it’s minty.  I’m seriously seeing this Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer take the place of my plain ole’ Burt’s Bees tube of chapstick since I find I go for it more and more lately in almost every situation.  Comment on today’s blog and be entered to win your own stick!  I think you’ll love it!


And the winner is…chosen by random generator…Jenn Griffin.  Please contact us with your mailing address so that we can get your Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer right out to you!


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  • Jennie - What a wonderful, gentle reminder to pray specifically, and allow our awesome Father to do His will in the lives of whom we pray.

  • Jen Griffin - The worst blanket prayer I hear from Christians can be…”forgive us for all our sins.” at any function. That one baffles me. Praying more specifically is a great thing!! I love the write requests down too so I can see when God answers and praise Him for it! Love to read your Tuesday blogs!

  • Chrissy - Thank you so much for the reminder. I’m taking a moment to myself as I have a sick child at home today (and my schedule went out the window!) and happened upon your blog post. I know I was directed here for a reason and am so thankful. Thanks for your timely message.

  • Todd Nelson - Tammy…definitely words of wisdom….rearranging your schedule allows so much quality time for God!!! Thanks for your T.O.T

  • Missy Taylor - I look forward to reading Tammy on Tuesday

  • Fran - Tammy: I so needed to hear this today, I have been praying for several people and situations in my life recently and feel that maybe some are the ” blanket prayer” thank you for writing this today!:)))))God Bless and have a great day!!

  • Sue Sweeney - Thank you Tammy for this lesson on prayer. I’ve learned much from this blog. God bless you as you continue to bring these much needed and very informative blogs.

  • Heather - This message hit home today. I have been praying for someone and the prayers were just you said “blanket” prayers. I just spent some time praying for specifics.

  • Laura-Jane Hesslink - Perfect for today. I’m praying for a friend who had lost her husband of 30 years, relocated to DE to be closer to her daughter. They went through the heartache of a miscarriage last year and are now struggling through Faith in a new pregnancy. A sweet child would be such a blessing and a tender mend to heartaches felt the past four years. More prayers from others is much appreciated.

    As far as the Shimmer, I use the Watermelon almost always. Nice natural tint. Love my Burts Bee too!

  • Sheri - Some of the most special times I have with the Lord are when I am praying for a need and I get to see God work.

    And I love that lip shimmer! I want it!

  • Marti vanVeen - Tammy, you really hit the nail on the head. I needed this so much today! Thank you for reminding us that we need to be specific in our prayers. I catch myself doing blanket prayers. But now I will try to be specific in my prayers for others! Thank you! God Bless you and your new church too. Love you all!

  • Becky - This is so true. I have been guilty of those blanket prayers for whatever reason. Thanks for this reminder.

  • Laurie Sadler - I am so guilty of blanket praying at times. Most of the time it’s because I feel rushed when I’m praying because I’m thinking about everything I MUST do today instead of surrendering my mind and soul to God during my quiet time and letting Him be my only thought at that moment. Then I find myself having to pray for myself that God would clear my mind and quiet my soul. I love your blogs, Tammy. They seem to always be just what I need to hear right when I need to hear them. Thank you for letting God work through you in such a mighty way.

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