Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – “Don’t Just Do Something. Stand There.”


This week I have noticed a reoccurring message in my life.  I’m sitting here in our living room on the couch with my coffee.  The kids are off at school.  Mark is at the office.  All I can hear is the hum of the refrigerator.   It’s Monday and I have no message written for my blog.  Part of my Monday evening routine is to set up my blog on our website so that it is ready to post first thing Tuesday morning. That means the blog has to be ready ahead of time.  But here I sit with lunch time fast approaching and all is silent.

It’s been months now that I have prepared a blog for Tuesdays and what I’ve found is that I love when God gives me a message for the blog EARLY IN THE WEEK.  That means I can leisurely work to prepare the blog for Tuesday morning. But there are times, like today, that God has me wait.  He has me wait for Him to speak.  And, as I sit here in silence, He watches to see how I will react.  I’ll be honest.  Thoughts run through my mind, “Should I take things into my own hands here?  Should I scramble to come up with something that sounds good?”

While working this week through the Experiencing God Bible Study , I read the quote, “Don’t just do something. Stand there.”  Or in my case “sit there”.  Wait on the LORD.  So, I have been sitting here quietly.   And, as I wait,  I feel that God is speaking to me about this process…Waiting on Him in silence.

Earlier in the week, Mark and I attended a church planters assessment where we were able to share what God was doing in and through our lives. Mark was called by God over 2 years ago now to begin a church work in our community.  Just February 12 of this year was our first official Sunday service.  As you can imagine…with 2 years of preparing and working toward the church launch, there were many periods of waiting.  Monday we spent many hours sharing our story with the assessment panel.

While we were there, we were given wise advice.  Our new friend, John, told us…”You are an infant church with amazing things taking place.  This is, of course, bringing God glory.  Just be aware, as you see ‘gaps’ in all that is going on  (for instance – the great need for a youth pastor), fight the urge to just ‘fill the gaps’.  Wait on God.  Wait for Him to act.  If you do this, you’ll never go wrong.”

It’s in the waiting that questions arise.

Lord, Do You see me?

Lord, didn’t You promise?

Lord, have You forgotten?

Lord, can You do this?

Lord, don’t You care?

Lord, what’s taking so long?



What are you waiting for God to do right now?

Are you experiencing a time of silence in your life?

How are you reacting to it?

Is God asking you to go deeper?  To wait on Him for a greater revelation?

 Oswald Chambers sums things up for us in My Utmost for His Highest:

Has God trusted you with His silence— a silence that has great meaning? God’s silences are actually His answers. Just think of those days of absolute silence in the home at Bethany:  (This was where Mary and Martha waited for Jesus to arrive and heal their brother Lazarus.  They waited and they waited.) 

Is there anything comparable to those days in your life? Can God trust you like that, or are you still asking Him for a visible answer? God will give you the very blessings you ask if you refuse to go any further without them, but His silence is the sign that He is bringing you into an even more wonderful understanding of Himself. (Jesus DID tarry when they beckoned him to come to Bethany and Lazarus died…If Jesus had only come when they called, He could’ve healed Lazarus.  But – don’t miss this – because Jesus tarried, they were able to see Him not only healed the sick; He could raise the dead!  After His silence, He did an even greater work than they were asking or hoping for.)

Are you mourning before God because you have not had an audible response (to your request)? When you cannot hear God, you will find that He has trusted you in the most intimate way possible— with absolute silence, not a silence of despair, but one of pleasure, because He saw that you could withstand an even bigger revelation. If God has given you a silence, then praise Him— He is bringing you into the mainstream of His purposes.

Today, let’s trust God in the silence.

Don’t just fill in the gaps of your life.

Wait for Him to pour Himself out into that gap.

You can count on this…He WILL do it!



PINIMAGEMY CUP OF TEA:  Okay, here’s a crazy favorite.  I LOVE my Calling Levi hoodie.  If you had one yourself, you’d understand.  Back when we decided to offer a hoodie on the road, I looked long and hard for a hoodie that was comfortable and cool.  Well, now I have two.  And, honestly, I wear them all the time.  In fact, I see friends wearing theirs too and they tell me that it’s one of their favorites.  It really is one of the best hoodies around.   If you don’t believe me, comment on today’s blog, be entered into the drawing, and maybe you’ll see for yourself!


And the winner is….Fran Antonio, chosen by random generator!  Fran, I’m so glad you will have your very own Calling Levi hoodie to enjoy!  Please contact us so we can get your size and send your sweatshirt out to you!



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  • andrea - I feel like you are speaking directly to me. I have only followed for a few weeks now (since you guys guest judge on Iheartfaces.) I have since looked forward to your posts they are very inspired.

  • Molly Tomlin - Hi Tammy, I love your blogs and look forward to hearing from you now every Tuesday. I often feel like you are speaking directly to me as what you write about is often exactly what I needed to hear that week. Thanks so much for your inspiring & encouraging words!!!

  • Angie Crosswhite - Thank you for sharing this Tammy. Our Pastor, Clark Bosher, at Willow Park Baptist in Texas just talked about waiting, and Lazarus, and how Jesus tarried. Thank you Lord for confirmation and for silence!! Be still and know I am God! PTL!!!!

  • Jessie ODonnell - Thank you for this today. Lately, well actually awhile, I’ve been having a rough time with trusting God through His silence. This blog today reassured that He is there listening even when I feel He’s not. I just have to continually trust Him, especially during His silence.

  • Susan Gray - Thank you Tammy for always finding or waiting on the perfect message; its just what I need to hear.

  • Erica Swiney - I loved this! I try and read these blogs weekly. This one spoke to me – we live in a society where everything is instant, texts, coffee, emails, food, etc.. And when we have to sit and “wait” for something it makes it all the more special when you do finally receive.

  • Mark - Isaiah 40:31(NKJV)
    But those who wait on the Lord
    Shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
    They shall run and not be weary,
    They shall walk and not faint.

  • Lisa Kerns - Waiting is hard, but worth it! Thanks for the encouragement to that end:)

  • Christy Artymenko - Patience is not one of my virtues…this is a great reminder! 🙂

  • Steven Soltow - I really needed to hear this today. I was talking to a friend last night and he is really struggling right now with “God’s silence.” I decided to share this post with him today. I really hope it helps, because it certainly helped me today. 🙂

  • Sue Sweeney - Tammy, thanks for this timely message. In this world of “hurry up and wait” we need to take time, be silent, and listen to God speak. A good verse to remind us of the benefit of waiting on God: Isaiah 40:31…”But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.”

    I recently purchased the Calling Levi hoodie and I LOVE it. It is so comfy and warm. Blessed is the person who wins it!!

  • Jennie Mason - Thank-you, Tammy! Romans 8:25: But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Our heavenly Father always provides, in His time…

  • Stefanie - Thank you Tammy for this very important reminder today. I feel like everyone is in such a rush to do everything, go everywhere and be done one task in order to quickley move onto the next. Sometimes it is nice to just have the silence, to slow down and really listen. 🙂

  • darren - I have shared with mark what the lord is doing in my life and my family’s lives. I wait on the lord to lead us, it has lead us to your church and it has been a blessing, I know that the lord has more in store

  • Michelle Parrish - Thanks once again for giving me something that I need. Waiting is not one of my strong points. I’m so thankful that God NEVER gives up on us despite our impatience. Thanks Tammy for your blog and for being such a blessing to so many people!

  • Chris O'Donnell - Hey Tammy. Thanks for this great message today. I’ve been told by my children that I’m very impatient! But I’m learning through the Experiencing God study to just be faithful and obedient one step at a time. I don’t need to have the answers all at once. But I do need to wait on God and trust Him with what He’s shown me to do today – and worship Him in the waiting!

  • Michele Hartman - It’s hard to be patient and wait sometimes, but God always teaches us during these times!

  • Rachel Frazier - Ive been raised a pastor’s child and have heard the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus many times. However, I have never been able to think of it in this way. Wow! They had to keep waiting, and even lost hope at times, but all God was doing was waiting to do something greater! That really speaks to me in several areas of waiting in my life!

  • Jenny Pyryt - I too, have been working on Experiencing God. I am blown away by how God has been speaking to me this week as I follow Him in this study.(ask Mark, I shared some of it with him) It is interesting how God works; how subtle His speaking is. You really have to listen closely. This passage stood out to me too, about waiting (ask Stephanie, I shared some of this with her on Sunday) It is all going to come together in a big way. I know God can be trusted. I have been waiting for over a year, now…even longer… for God to “take my life and let it be all for Him and for His glory”. Sometimes that wait has been impatient and still can be, but I am sure that it will be worth it.

  • HeAther - With my new found relationship with God, I find myself excited to go out and do his work! I am standing here like a little puppy begging to be petted or do a new trick. Yet, inside my heart God has not told me what he has planned for my new found faith. The quote you used has been ringing in my ears since the day I read it too. II am the most impatient person I know!! Ask anyone in my family! Everything need to be done and done now and look out if I am excited about something! I now see God is testing me to see if I can wait for him to show me the way. I will be patient.

  • Fran Antonio - Tammy, Your blogs are truly an ispiration!!! I look forward to Tues mornings and reading them!! I waitied on God to speak to me for so long and now that he has I am truly blessed , as I learn more and walk with Christ I have become more patient!!!

  • Christine Bailey - Just what I needed to hear today! Thanks for the reminder to wait on the Lord.

  • Tabatha Beam - Thank you for the reminder to wait on God. And the encouragement that God’s eyes look to and fro over the whole earth for willing and dedicated servants(vessels) to speak and pour Himself through.

  • Tara Altenritter - Great message this morning!! It was very much needed and of course it was perfect timing!!! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  • John Loreaux - Hi Tammy, Love reading Your blog! Always interesting and insightful! Waiting on God can be difficult but the wait is always worth it! Praying for You, Your Family and new Church to see God move with His favor! God Bless!…………John Loreaux

  • Paula Peterson - Tammy, thank you for the much needed reminder! I am sitting in silence and have wondered if this is what He wants me to do. A visusal sign is so easy to work with, but silence and waiting are very hard. I have learned to value my silence, but sometimes I need a good reminder and yours was at the most perfect of times.

  • Todd - Tammy, as I mature…not only through age but through my walk with Christ… I actually look forward to the quiet times with Him..it gives be a brake from listening to my answers instead of His! Great T.O.T.!!

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