Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – What will it be?


First, I have a disclaimer:  As I prepared for this weeks blog, my mind kept coming back to one thought.  I feel as though there is someone out there that God wants to challenge to step out in a certain area of obedience to Him.  Whoever you are, I trust today’s post will be a confirmation of sorts to what God is already prompting you to do.

I usually have my blog prepared at least the day before but just this morning, I read in my quiet time something that went right along with the thought I want to share today:  (It comes from “Thoughts for the Quiet Hour”)

By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should…obeyed.  Heb. 11:8

Where he went, he knew not; it was enough for him to know that he went with God. He leaned not so much upon the promises as upon the Promiser.  He looked not on the difficulties of his lot, but on the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, who had deigned to appoint his course, and would certainly vindicate Himself. O glorious faith! This is thy work, these are thy possibilities: contentment to sail with sealed orders, because of unwavering confidence in the love and wisdom of the Lord High Admiral: willingness to rise up, leave all, and follow Christ, because of the glad assurance that earth’s best cannot bear comparison with Heaven’s least.         F. B. Meyer

Life can get crazy, can’t it?  If I’m not careful I get caught up in the tyranny of the urgent – you know…the things that don’t really matter but demand your attention.  We all do it at some point.  And at the end of the day, we find that we’ve checked a lot of things off of our to-do list, but not many of them will matter in just a few days.  Could this be the enemie’s way of keeping you for the call God is placing in front of you?

The reality is that God is beckoning each one of us on to a “God-sized” task.  It’s a task perfectly designed for us and only achievable in His strength.

You may be saying now, “Really?  Me?  I’m not ‘in full-time ministry’.  I’m not some ‘super Christian’.”

My answer to you is, If you have said yes to Christ in your life…you can be sure God has a calling for you!

Ephesians 2:10 says,
” For we are God’s workmanship (valuable masterpiece), created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” 

God tell us in Ephesians that He has “good works” for us to do that He prepared in advance – good works for YOU to do.

I’m sure not one of these “good works” is something that will be easily forgotten.

In fact, I’m quite certain each will have eternal significance.

So what good work is God giving you to do?

What I’ve learned as I have said “yes” to God’s work for me is that the more I open up my life to God as a vessel for His use, the more I find I’m truly living.

God is in the “exciting”.
God is in the “life-changing”.
God is in the “unthinkable”.

What is God calling you to do? Have you asked Him?

God IS calling you to a specific work even now.

You may say, “I don’t believe I have heard a call from God to any type of work.”

Is there a hindrance to the voice of God on your life and in your heart?  Is it being drowned out by entertainment, pain, insecurity, selfishness, something else?

You cannot accept a call you cannot hear.
You cannot hear if you are not listening.

Ask God to reveal to you what He would like you to do.  Ask and then wait for Him to speak to your heart.

Are you wondering if a present opportunity is a call from God?

As I consider the works God has put before me to do over the years, I’ve learned, in each situation, there have been characteristic signs that it was a call from God.

  • The call is usually God-sized – It will no doubt stretch you.
  • The call will always align with God’s Word – The Bible.
  • The call  may often sound crazy to you.
  • You can guarantee you will not be able to accomplish it without His empowering hand.
  • This work He is giving you is customized to you, your influence, your social circle, your life.

Here’s my message to you today – whomever this blog post is for.  Do what God is asking of you.  Be like Abraham, a man blessed by God, and known for his obedience.  Say yes and live in abundance as you fulfill the work God planned for you long ago.  And remember you won’t face the call alone…  For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the POWER to do what pleases him.  Phil 2:13




Today is the Maurice’s Jeggings Give-away drawing!  I want to thank everyone who submitted a photo.  I am happy to see so many of you love Maurice’s Jeggings like I do!  We had entries not only from Delaware and Maryland but also places as far away as Alabama, Texas and even Alaska!  If there were a way I could give each entry a pair, I would do it!  But there can only be one winner.  So, the winner of the Maurice’s Jeggings Give-away, chosen by Random Generator…all the way from Marion, Ohio, is Amber Stone-Cameron!  Check back next week to see what else is My Cup of Tea!

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  • Katie/"Hot Heidi" - Great message Tammy. Love you and appreciate your commitment to encouraging all of us readers each week. xoxoxo

  • Amber Cameron - Seriously?!!! ahhhh I never win anything. Last time I won something it was an id bracelet in 5th grade from Fun Day and then I accidentally threw it away during lunch lol. so excited but even more so about today’s post and how much it meant to my heart 🙂

  • Candie Baldridge - Thank you for your post this morning…more than that, thank the Lord for pressing it on your heart to share.

  • Chris O'Donnell - This really gave me a lot to think about. I’ve been unsure about what God is calling me specifically to do – me and my family. We have had some big changes lately and I’m thinking God is calling us to even more (maybe?). Praying I will hear His voice clearly. I want to follow Him wherever He leads! Thanks Tammy!

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