Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – Gotta Take This Call


Imagine with me that we lived in a kingdom ruled by a wonderfully mighty and gentle King.  This powerful King has put an end to the domineering tyrants of ages past.  He generously supplies for the needs of all the citizens of His kingdom.  To be honest, I’ve grown accustom to His generosity.  In fact, just between us, I sometimes feel a sense of entitlement.  Boy what a great King He is!

One day, I go out to my mailbox and find that I have received an invitation to His courts, simply because He wants to offer me His kindness and His attention.  Wow!  Talk about adding excitement to an otherwise hum-drum day!

The day arrives and I’ve been busy.  No time to freshen up, it’s going to have to be “come as you are”.  I walk into the courtyard and see a beautiful garden beyond description.  I see couriers going about their business dressed in their finest and I look down at my sweat shirt, slippers and pj pants.  


(Do you know I can sometimes go a whole day in my pj pants and slippers?) 

Today, however, I guess I should’ve reconsidered on the wardrobe choice!  But getting the kids out the door, making lunches and signing home work agendas, at least I’m here.  Right?  Oh, and my hair. Should’ve taken the time to fix it like I do when I’m going somewhere special.  Maybe a little mascara, a little makeup. Oh, well. No sense crying over spilt milk.  Uneasiness creeps in.

 I walk through the illustrious garden and into the throne room.  This place is AMAZING!  And there He is, the King on His throne.  He is smiling at me and waving me near.  He seems eager to visit with me.


Now a well formed knot has grown in my stomach and I am feeling quite inappropriate for such an occasion!  How could I be so insensitive to this grand invitation!?  I run my hand through my hair and straighten my sweatshirt.  I drop my head as I approach His throne.  Looking down I see my slippers, and I’m now kicking myself that I didn’t put on regular shoes!

If I were the King, I would say,

“Come back when you are more respectful. 

Come back when you are more presentable. 

Come back when you are serious about visiting with me!”

But when I look at His face, His eyes are gentle.  Looks as though He will take whatever I will give Him.  He doesn’t even seem fazed by my inappropriate arrival.  

All of the sudden a digital tone cuts the air.  Uh, oh.  I’d notice that ringtone anywhere.  Where did I put my phone?  Sweatshirt pocket?  Is one of the kids sick?  Maybe my husband needs me.  I wonder who it is?  It’ll just take a minute!  

“Just ONE moment, Your Majesty.  I’m so sorry, but I’ve got to take this.  I’ll be really quick, really I will.”  

I lift the phone to my ear and as I do I notice I’ve missed three texts while I’ve been here?  How did that happen?  I’d better just take a quick glance when I end this call.


 …And so there I stand in the throne room of the King, cell phone to my ear while He waits.  

 All of the sudden the vision of me on my phone in the presence of the waiting King strikes me and space and time stand still!  

In my mind I’m screaming, “Tammy, what are you doing?!  How can you take such advantage of the King’s love and patience!  You don’t deserve to be standing here!  It’s a disgrace! There are others who would come to the King in their finest, savoring every moment, lingering at His feet and look at you! ” 

Humiliated at my behavior, I drop my phone and begin to turn for the door and  run from the throne room.  But then I hear the booming voice of the King – WAIT!  DON’T GO!  Humbled and ashamed I cannot ignore the gentle tone of His voice or His invitation to stay.  I return to His throne and fall to my knees.  “I’m sorry, King, that I didn’t take your invitation more serious.  I’m sorry I was only willing to give you a portion of my time and attention.  You have been so patient.  Why, why would you even care to spend time with someone so distracted and ungrateful?!  

The King speaks softly, “Because I love you and I love your fellowship!”  Please come and visit again tomorrow!” 

What?!?! You’re inviting me back? 

The King replied, “Yes, and you’re invited every day there after!  I have so much to show you and share with you!”   

Timidly I returned to the King and quietly sat at His feet.  His wise words fell on me like gentle rain going down to the deep arid places of my heart.  He spoke words of comfort and hope. I noticed my cares and attention to the trivial began to fade into the back ground.  I felt nourished in the deepest parts of me.  What a sweet delight it was!

As I left the palace, I was humbly aware of how I had arrived – in my selfishness, my ungratefulness, my distractedness. But I left feeling “full” – like an orphan who has just enjoyed her first Thanksgiving dinner.  

Tomorrow will be different!  I want to give the loving patient King my very best – my full attention and appreciation. I will look forward to a chance to come again and do this “right”.

After all, the King will be waiting. 


Many years ago I heard the phrase, “Time spent with God is time well spent.”  I have made it a habit in my life to look for quiet time alone with God – usually in the mornings.  I will spend time in prayer and reading God’s Word.

I wrote this story to express how I often approach my quiet time with the Lord. I am guilty of rushing in without any regard to the fact that I’m spending time with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I’ve realized lately I need to ignore the phone, find a quiet place and give God my full attention.  Now, I am fully aware that it’s not about externals. God does not expect me to put on my best outfit before coming into His presence.  It’s about coming with an open and willing heart, free from distractions.  I’m grateful He is a God of mercy and love.  And knowing this I want to give Him my best!



Okay, there has been such a wonderful response to the Maurice’s Jeggings post I wrote a while back, that I have planned a wonderful giveaway.  I’ve been contacted by many of you who have purchased Maurice’s Jeggings for yourself saying you really loved them like I do.  Those of you who will e-mail me a photo of yourself in your Maurice’s Jeggings will be entered to win a brand new pair of jeggings for yourself or a friend.  You can e-mail me your at tammy@luminosityonline.com.

Please note that I intend to create a photo gallery for all of my Maurice Jegging fans and will include it in next week’s blog post.

You will have 1 week to post your photo of you in your jeggings.  It doesn’t have to be fancy.  A cell phone photo will do just fine.  Just get your picture to me and I’ll put your name in the drawing.  Entries must be submitted by midnight, February 13th.  The winner will be announced on next week’s post!

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  • Becky - Thanks for this, Tammy.

  • Todd - Tammy…so very true…from now on…cell phones off and my undivided attention on!! Great TOT!!!

  • Jennie - James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

  • Rob - One of the best…we are so busy with the small things in life, sometimes we run out of time for the main thing!

  • Jessica Pulling - This was such a great and much needed message. Thanks Tammy!

  • Angie Crosswhite - Wow! This really hit home for me. What a great reminder of just how patient, loving, and amazing our God is!

  • Mark - “Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10

  • Chris O'Donnell - Ahhh! This really hit home this morning. I tend to put off my time with the Lord while I do just one more thing – check my email, go on facebook, throw in a load of laundry. Thanks for reminding me that the King is waiting for me lovingly and patiently.

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