Tammy on Tuesday »

Birthday Fashion Shoot | Delaware Photographer

Several weeks ago, I looked at the calendar and noticed my daughter, Sophie, would soon be turning seven.  With the date fast approaching, I began to consider my options…

  • Sleep over?– Who ever sleeps!?
  • Bowling? – She’s seven and can’t really bowl.  I’m pretty sure none of her friends are avid bowlers either.  It would be fun I guess but would be over too quickly.
  • The soft-play entertainment place here in town?  Too expensive.
  • Traditional party at my home?  That would mean I’d have to clean.

Well…then it dawned on me!  (I’m almost embarrassed to say that it didn’t cross my mind sooner.) How about a “GLAMOUR GIRL, Photo Shoot, Birthday Bash” at our studio?!  When Sophie heard the idea she was ecstatic!  She made up a list of guests that included her cousins and closest playmates.  Then we got planning.


We were blessed to have a beautiful, sunny day.  When the girls arrived at 2pm, we had each of them go to “wardrobe”.  Once they found their favorite look, they went to hair and make-up.   They were able to watch the transformation in a large mirror as we turned them in to little models for their photo shoot.  I think my favorite moments in the day were the ones where I was able to watch the girls smile as we doted on them.  Once the shoot was done, we sang Happy Birthday to Sophie and opened gifts.




Stephanie and I made tasty treats inspired by Pinterest and I made a four layer cake with my mom’s homemade butter icing.  As they left, each of the girls took home an adorable frame that will soon be filled with a picture from their photo shoot.   Here are some of the highlights from the party.







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  • Victoria Delaney - Love you idea – can you add this to your menu???? I would love to have my daughter’s 7th birthday party at your studio….please contact me if you are interested…..(302)437-4297.

  • angie {the arthur clan} - What an amazing party!! I did something similar for my 13 yo niece and her friends and I can assure you that it doesn’t matter the age…the girls will still love it. 🙂 Absolutely awesome!

  • Erin Wheeler - Oh my goodness– LOVE, LOVE! This is so fabulous!! My girls enjoyed the photos & the video! Great job ladies!!!

  • Rachel Durik - Such a cute idea and great results! Looks like fun!

  • heather nan - Such a great idea! Love the frame gift. They will definitely remember this party forever!

  • Jenn - Cutest thing ever! Makes me want to have a studio 🙂 Great idea, super images!!

  • Gail - Awesome party, pics and smiles!! Amazing.

  • Hil C - What an amazing idea! I am so stealing this. Absolutely fantastic. Must show my daughter:) Photos are beautiful.

  • Kathy - I LOVE everything about this!!! Looks like so much fun!

  • Kelly Q - What a blast!!! Such a fun idea for a little girl!

  • Todd - Tammy little Sophie is blessed to have a mom like you! Amazing how much work you put into making all the girls feel special!
    Great party planning!!!

  • Robin - Looks a lot like a Party at La Petite Spa & Salon!

  • Tammy - That is so so cute. Now you need to think of something that involves boys LOL. Savannah has a few boys (some family) that attend her birthday. So I don’t think they would enjoy a glamour day too well (unless money was involved “maybe” LOL)

  • Stefanie - Guess what? Divas turn 8 and 5 in August…when can I book their party? 🙂 Really hope you offer this idea…I would book it now! XO

  • Tiffany - Oh my!!! So cute!!! You guys should really add this to your menu at the studio… I, along with every other mom, would LOVE to do this for our daughters!!

  • Jill - I love everything about this! Beautiful girls, beautiful party- what a fun way to celebrate! My daughter turns 7 this summer– I may be borrowing this idea! 🙂

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