Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – A Helping Hand


Back in 1976, in Spokane, Washington, a track & field event was held for the Special Olympics.  Contestants from across the state had come to compete in this event.  The starter pistol sounded and the race was on.


Shortly after the runners set out, a contestant took a tumble.  Most of the other contenders continued on toward the finish line but two runners did the unthinkable.  They stopped and returned to help the one who had fallen get back up.  On lookers watched wondering what what was going on.  As it became apparent that the two simply would not leave this contestant behind, the crowds began to cheer.   The three competitors crossed the finish line together… in last place.  Although the race had ended, the applause continued for quite some time.  Interestingly, the celebration was not so much for the winner as it was for the show of benevolence between these three contestants.

As I try to envision this all unfolding, my heart is warmed and I smile; but two things really stick out to me about this story.

First of all, not everyone stopped to help.

Okay, it’s only fair to say, it WAS a race.  The others were just doing what they were supposed to.  They weren’t “expected” to stop and help.  But, the two that stopped obviously saw the race from a different perspective.

 And the same is true with life. We are all just trying to finish strong, Right?  Can you blame a person for keeping their eyes on the finish line and not looking back?  Maybe not.  

But maybe winning isn’t what life’s really about…  

 Maybe the ones who are truly winning this race called life are the ones who are bringing everyone along with them!  

My second thought about the story is this – The act of kindness is what made the race memorable.  This story is from 1976 and it’s still being told today – 35 years later.  But people aren’t talking about who won.  In fact, as I researched the story a bit I found that no names were mentioned at all – just the story of the selfless act of two young runners.  Does it matter who they were?  I’m sure it did to the person they helped.

What is it about seeing someone do the unthinkable (like forfeiting the chance at winning for themselves in order to help another) that warms our hearts and gives us a sense of deep appreciating for such acts?  Perhaps because it’s not the norm.

Lately, God is challenging me to live OUTSIDE the norm.

The Bible says in Ecc. 4:9-10 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 

Are you too busy running the race to look around and see someone who needs your help to get back up?

My hand is raised. I am guilty of it.  I’ve had a competitive nature since as early as I can remember.  I love to win.  But keeping my eyes on the finish line is exactly what can keep me from being aware of the fallen people around me.  And maybe that’s not winning at all.

Is there someone within your reach that could use a little help getting back on their feet?

  • PINIMAGEMaybe you could sacrifice some time to watch their children.
  • Maybe you could provide a meal or a bag of groceries.
  • Maybe you could write a letter or e-mail to encourage them.
  • Maybe you could speak on their behalf.
  • Maybe you could put a STOP to the gossip.

Whatever you do, don’t leave them while they are down.  You may be the only one in their path to lend a hand and help them up.




MY CUP OF TEA …this week is actually a book a friend reminded me of just yesterday.  It’s called, “The Prodigal God” by Timothy Keller.  This book is one of my favorites!


Newsweek called New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller a “C.S. Lewis for the twenty-first century” in a feature on his first book, The Reason for God. In that book, he offered a rational explanation for why we should believe in God. Now, in The Prodigal God, Keller takes his trademark intellectual approach to understanding Christianity and uses the parable of the Prodigal Son to reveal an unexpected message of hope and salvation. Within that parable, Jesus reveals God’s prodigal grace toward both the irreligious and the moralistic. This book will challenge both the devout and skeptics to see Christianity in a whole new way.

You can enter to win this week’s drawing and your own copy of “The Prodigal God” simply by commenting on today’s blog post.


And the winner is, chosen by random generator, Heather Pancake!  Heather, please contact us so we can get your copy of  “The Prodigal God” out to you!

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  • Related Home Page - Amazing, splendid website structure! The span of time have you been blogging regarding? you will be making blogging and site-building appear simple. The main look of your website is superb, along with the articles!

  • Angie Crosswhite - This blessed me so much! Thank you for sharing this.

  • Mindy Getty - I loved todays blog it realy spoke to me. 🙂 Thanks

  • Heather Pancake - I too am very competitive and can totally relate 🙂
    Thanks for such a great message!!

  • Christy Artymenko - Great message!

  • Mark - 🙂 Hey…preparing for Bible Study tonight on Acts Chapter 3 …and because I read your blog…something jumped out that I had not noticed before ….thanks…will share at LifeHouse tonight

  • Todd - Great story and a wonderful insight on how we seem to think it’s all about getting to the finish line…when in reality, it’s what we do along he way that truly counts!! Great T.O.T.!!!

  • Candie Baldridge - Thanks for the reminder! I agree Alexis that to be encouraged you must encourage. Great post!

  • Jennie Mason - Sometimes unspoken acts of kindness are the best! Thank-you so much for the gentle reminder – it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game. 🙂

  • Chris ODonnell - This story reminds me of Jesus’ parable of the good Samaritan. How several other “religious” people passed by a man who had been beaten and robbed. But one man stopped and helped the one in need. Jesus told us to go and do likewise. There are many in need all around us. We just need to stop and help them!

  • Katie - Great message Tammy! I will have to check out that book for sure.

  • Alexis Trent - To be encouraged we must first encourage others! Thank you for reminding us to lift each other up!

  • Melody Green - Thanks for sharing this today Tammy! What an encouragment to look to others instead of always worrying about ourselves. We get so wrapped up in our own lives that we do not always see the needs of other. It was definitely what I needed to read this morning!

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