Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – “Good Enough”


The other day, my daughter Abby was working on her math homework.  She is learning measurements  (centimeter, decimeter, deca, hecta, etc).  I noticed she had drawn a line on her homework page.  It was wobbly and bent.  When I read the instructions to the word problem it said:

~ Take a ruler and measure out 3.5 cm to see if it is more or less that 2 inches.~

Looking at the crooked line she had drawn, I asked her…”Abby where’s the ruler you used to measure?”

She started mumbling something about finger digits and holding up her hand to show how her fingertip is roughly the size of an inch.  In her mind, her measurement seemed “good enough”.

Immediately I thought to myself…Okay, hold the phone. Abby’s math teacher is a “by the book” kinda woman.   Fingertip measurements were not gonna fly!  “Good enough” as Abby termed it, would not be “good enough” for her teacher. 


I took a deep breath and realized this was a teachable moment.  The fact of the matter is that there IS an accurate, measurable answer to the problem.  I said, “Abby if you want the answer, the right answer, you must use the right standard.”  When Abby returned with the ruler, we found that she was way off on her guesstimation.  And, in case you didn’t know, two inches IS, in fact, longer than 3.5 cm.

At that moment God spoke to my heart.   “How often have you done the very same thing?”  Looks like this was MY teachable moment.

How often had I gone about my life just accepting what’s “good enough?”

Do you want to know what is the enemy of “what’s best” in and for your life? 

…What’s good enough.

God doesn’t want just “what’s good enough” for me.  He wants the very best for me.  That’s why He has given me a standard for living.  I can find the truth about every choice for my life in His Word, the Bible.   I don’t have to settle for “good enough.”

God tells us in Isaiah 45: 19, “I publicly proclaim bold promises (I love that – it is so absolute).  I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner.  I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found.  I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.

He is the Author of truth.   He is the source of our answers.  And His thoughts have been recorded for us to live by.  The Standard – The Best.

Settling for “good enough” can have a range of consequences.   On a small scale, the consequences are just a nuisance when things don’t turn out the way we plan.

For instance…I can’t tell you how many times I’ve guesstimated on the size to cut a piece of wrapping paper, only to find that the edges don’t meet.   I know…you’ve done it too, Right?   You would think I’d learn by now but it happened just this past Christmas several times.  And I’m left with a handful of extra pieces that you can’t wrap anything in.


On a larger scale the consequences of settling for “good enough” can have an even greater impact.  I can miss out on the blessings of God simply by settling for what’s “good enough” in this world.

Think of an area in your life that you would qualify as “good enough”.  Go ahead. Be honest.  What I know for sure is that God doesn’t want you to settle on “good enough” for that particular thing.  He has something better.  Are you willing to trust Him for it?  If you are, ask Him to make what’s “good enough” in your life “His best”.  Ask Him to show you how to measure that particular issue by His standard.

Today, it’s my desire to evaluate my life to see where I’ve settled for “good enough.” Whether it be relationship issues, parenting issues, money issues, moral issues – you name it – God offers me a better standard to live by.  He offers me His Best!




Today I want to share something I consider a favorite in the kitchen.  I love soup and when I need a quick lunch at my desk, I will heat up Pacific Natural Foods Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup.  It comes in a carton so you don’t get that metal taste.  I add a pinch of salt and eat it with crackers.  I love it!  In fact, I’m going to have a bowl for lunch.  I’ve tried just one other flavor from Pacific, but this is my favorite so far.  If you would like to try this soup, comment on today’s blog and you will be entered a drawing win your own carton (4 servings) to enjoy!

And the winner of this delicious soup is…(chosen by random generator)…Sue Sweeney!  Please contact us so we can get it to you!

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  • دانلود سریال - very good
    دانلود سریال http://www.1.2film40.in/

  • Christie Lankford - Hi Tammy! I have been reading your “Tammy on Tuesday” for a few months now. I have really enjoyed them. You apply God’s Word to everyday life situations. You make it so easy to apply to our personal lives. You could easily make your own devotional book. Thanks so much for sharing with us all!

  • Lynn Greenling - I love truth…..in lifes reality..God lovs us so much He uses even our (what we think are already used minutes)..And gives us refreshing lessons for life! Love it….

  • Lisa Kerns - I read a book by Stormie O’Martin a decade or more ago and one of the lessons in it stayed with me all these years along these same lines…good, better, best! Thanks for sharing this “teachable moment” with all of us:)

  • Sue Sweeney - Great lesson here…if we settle for “good enough” we’ll never know how much better we could have had it. Thanks for stirring our thoughts once again! Love you, Tammy!

  • Tara Altenritter - So needed this today!! Great message 🙂

  • Katie - I love that verse in Isaiah. I’m not sure that I was familiar with it, and I love how you applied it. Katie

  • Todd Nelson - Although I consider myself a perfectionist…. I find that I am relating to what we all fall short of…hmmmm… Sounds like an oxymoron that I need to be working on! Thanks for your T.O.T!!!!

  • Heather Pancake - This is so true!! Thanks, Tammy 🙂

  • Fran - It truly does make you look at what i have settled for in my lif as “good enough” There are so many times that I could strive for more and not settle for “good enough” and today I will do so thank you

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