Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – The Day Everything Changed


Who is God and how can we know Him?  This is an innate desire in all of us.  It’s a question we all face.  Some people push it down and say, “There is no God.”  But for the rest of us, this life is spent trying answer that question.  Ask a number of individuals and you are sure to get a number of answers.

People will say that getting to God is all about being sincere.  And, you’ve probably heard it said, “Many roads lead to God.”

So, people set up paradigms based on their understanding of who God might be and, out of these ideas, lifestyles are born:

  • a life based on good works
  • a life dedicated to worshiping man-made ideas about God
  • a life lived believing that we are some sort of god

Jesus says, in the Bible, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father (God) but by me.” John 14:6

The good news is that the Bible also says,  “God did not send His son into this world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.”  John 3:17.

This truth has been distorted and “watered” down throughout the ages.

When making the mistake of considering Christianity in comparison to “other religions,” (as people often do)  I must say, they cannot be compared.

If I could explain it in allegorical, story fashion, I would say, for me, meeting Jesus went something like this…

One morning a man woke up, readied himself, and set out for his day.  This man walked every where he went.  He walked to the store, to see friends, to work, to the doctor. If he were going somewhere he would get there on foot.  This was not only terribly exhausting for him;  but there were times when the weather would get so bad, he could barely get through it.  There had to be a better way!  If only he could get that car to run.

From as far back as he can remember, there has been a shiny red car sitting in his drive.  He didn’t remember how it got there.  It just always was.  


He had seen people driving in their cars. He knew what it meant.  No more weariness!  You just sit down and rest while the car drives you where you need to go!  He would often dream about what it must be like to have protection in the storms and harsh weather and the confidence of getting to his destination safely.  Just remembering some of the difficult walks he’d taken sent a shiver up his spine.  On some, he wondered if he would even survive.  Oh, how he would love to have the peace and protection of traveling the road in a car!  

 He decided this would be the day he would get in the car and drive.  The words cut the air, “Everything changes today!”

PINIMAGEHe went to the garage, grabbed a 5 gallon jug and dusted it off.  Someone told him once that this jug would hold what he needed to make the car move.  So, he headed out to the stream behind his house to fill the jug with the fresh flowing water that coursed through it.  He returned to his car and filled the tank.  Jumping in the driver seat he turned the key and nothing happened. “How could this be?  The water I took from the stream was organic.  It celebrated earth and trees.  I dare say that there is not a more refreshing water to be found!  But, I obviously cannot use this water to start my car.”

He painstakingly drained the water from his tank and began again.  “I know,” he said.  “I will go to the sink and fill the 5 gallon jug with tap water.  It’s been filtered through the city’s system.  Certainly, they have gone through the steps to make this water good for me. They MUST know what’s best.  They are looking out for me I’m sure.”  He filled the tank, turned the key…nothing.

At this point he began to get frustrated.  “This is impossible! The water from the stream which was organic and celebrated Mother Earth did nothing. The water filtered through the cities system did nothing!  I know!  I will buy the best of filtering systems.  Only a handful of people are fortunate to have their water filtered this way.  In fact, they all meet once or twice a week to speak of their good fortune.  I will go and ask them where they got there water and buy mine at once!”

He went out right away on foot to find the water that would start his car.  When he found the group, he inquired about how he might obtain the means to have some of their special water for himself.  As they began to share with him, he realized this water they spoke of wasn’t cheap.  It would cost him good behavior, giving to charities, faithfulness to their meetings…the list went on.  He didn’t care about the cost, he just knew he could not live his life on foot.  He must find a water that would start his car.  He paid the cost  and carried the water home.  After repeating the now familiar process once again –  getting this NEW water into his tank –  he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and turned the key.  NOTHING!

This was more than he could take.  After all he had done!  He threw himself to the ground and began to wail.  He cried out, “I have tried it all!  Water from the stream!  Water from the city!  Water from the professional water people! And NOTHING!  How will I ever get my car to start?”  He cried and thrashed for what seemed like hours.  And then, he heard someone speaking to him.

The voice was gentle and calm.  Certainly they could see his great travail!  Certainly they could see he was beside himself!  Why couldn’t they leave him alone to wallow in his self-pity?  And there was the voice again.  Calm and quiet.

“What’s the problem, sir?” The man looked up to see a young man with a kind face.  “I don’t feel like sharing my troubles with this boy!” he thought.  “He has no idea of where I’ve been and all I’ve tried to do to get this car started!  Why won’t he just leave me alone?”

The young man spoke again.  “Car trouble?”   Without hesitation, the man angrily spilled out the story of his search for the right water to fill the tank. “I’ve tried it all, young man.  You cannot help me.  There is not a water in this world that will start my car!”

The boy stood there gazing intently as the man spoke and when he was finished there was a moment of silence.  The man waited.  “Had the boy not heard?  Didn’t he get it? The situation was hopeless!  This car will never rev to life!”

Then the boy spoke up. “You are right. Water will never start your car.”  

“What you need is Gasoline.”

A rattling in his head…a sudden jarring of his memory…this was something he’d heard somewhere long ago.

But all of those people – they told him it was always water.

Could it be true?  Could the boy be right?  Would he finally be able to turn the key and bring the shiny metal beast to life?!  Imagine what this would mean!  He steeled himself against the possibilities – careful not to fill up with hope.  He couldn’t survive yet another disappointment.

The young man asked if they could take a walk.  Picking up his 5 gallon jug he agreed and they set out.  Before long they came to a building.  Cars were coming and going.   And on the sign he saw the words “Gas station.”  He’d never seen so many cars in one place.  This must be where the boy worked.  He seemed to know everyone and they all greeted each other with a smile. The man even noticed others arriving on foot with their 5 gallon jugs, just like him.  Somewhere deep inside he knew he must be in the right place…at least he hoped.  He had already decided in his heart of hearts that this was his last attempt.

The young man led him to a pump and he filled his five gallon jug with the golden liquid of promise.  As he carried it home, he began to dream about how his life would change.  It all depended upon this thing called Gasoline.PINIMAGE

There it stood, the red shiny lifeless lump of metal in the drive. He could hardly wait to pour the contents of the jug into its tank.  Once the last drop fell, he opened the door, sat down and, without ceremony or fan-fair, he turned the key.  

What happened next was nothing less than miraculous. The car shook to life and the engine roared!  He couldn’t contain his delight!  “The boy was right! The boy was right!  All this time I’ve been searching for water, when what I needed was Gasoline!” His head fell back with a great belly laugh!  He had finally found the answer!  

Indeed, life would never be the same!  He would never again have to travel on foot!  He could leave all of those helpless, hopeless days on the road behind, thanks to this Gasoline!  

In the days that followed, the man drove all over town each day, calling out to the pedestrians about him, “I’ve got good news!  You don’t have to travel on foot anymore!  You don’t have buy the hopeless tale that water of any kind will bring your car to life!  GASOLINE!  That’s the good news!

And the good news continues to be told.

“I have come that they might have LIFE and have it to the full!”   (Jesus) John 10:10


Today, I’d like to share with you something I found just a few days ago.  How many of you have bought a lip liner at your local pharmacy and once you got it home and tried it on you didn’t like it all?  You might have thought to yourself…”Well, that was a big waste of money!” And into some drawer it goes.  For me, it seems almost impossible to find a lip liner that is not too red, too purple or too dark.  And when I try to go subtle, the color seems to blend in.  Well, look no further if what you want is a perfect neutral shade.  It’s Revlon ColorStay Liner For Lips in Nude (630).  I know I am fare skinned and light complected, but I do believe this liner will work for most everyone.  And you can be entered to win this lip liner for your very own.  Comment on today’s blog and be entered into this weeks drawing.


Thanks everyone for your comments on this week’s post!  Your words of encouragement mean a lot!  I have a winner for this weeks drawing…chosen by random generator…Sherry Pickering!   YAY Sherry.  Please contact us with your mailing address and I will get your lip liner right out to you.PINIMAGE

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  • Nana - Thanks for the great blog, Tammy. Loved it. Only ONE WAY…JESUS!

  • Todd Nelson - Wow Tammy….awesome writing this week ! There’s no watering down the truth when I’m reading “Tammy on Tuesday”!! Have you thought about writing short stories as a side profession??

  • Sherry Pickering - Good stuff! Enjoyed it!

  • Jennie Mason - Your analogy reminded me of your song “Greater is He” – so grateful I have Him to walk through my life with. Thank-you for your wonderful insights – I look forward to them! God bless you!

  • Tammy Monfiletto - Awesome as always!

  • Pamala McMorrow - What a great story. I love reading all you articles on Tuesday. Keep it up, Tammy and God bless.

  • Angie Crosswhite - So inspirational! I remember the day He filled my tank and heart! Oh! What a day! Thank you for sharing this, it is so beautifully written!

  • Cheryl Newmarker-Lloyd - What a great story to depict there is only ONE WAY (lol, even if “they” forgot to take the water out of the gas tank, before they put the gas in). I’m going to share this on Facebook. And thank you for sharing about the lip liner. I’m definitely going to check it out!

  • Mark - 🙂

  • Lisa Kerns - A beautiful story:) I need that lipliner!;)

  • Sue Sweeney - Great lesson Tammy – thanks for sharing!

  • Michele Hartman - Great analogy Tammy. I’m so thankful that I have God to “drive” me through this life!

  • Chris O'Donnell - What a relief to rest and rely on Jesus and not have to walk on my own through this life! Forever grateful that He carries me!

  • Gerry Brown - Tammy-This is awesome! I remember the day everything changed for me

  • Heather Niland - Great read Tam 😉

  • Katie - Amazing! And I love Fran’s comment above! These blog posts are really encouraging a lot of people traveling the roads of life.

  • Fran - I can so relate to this , for so long I was that man and now I am so happy to be where I am today!!!:) Just started reading your blogs and I love them.

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