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Tammy On Tuesday – A Plan for 2012

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2012  Its a new year.  I would venture to say that every self help book and successful business guru would advise that the best way to enter 2012 is to have a plan.  After all, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” right?

But, for me, as I desire and seek to walk in close fellowship with Christ, I find that His message is altogether different.

Just yesterday morning, in my quiet time, God laid before me a verse that I believe sums up my start to 2012 perfectly.

Hebrews 11:8 ~ It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.

2012 will be a year of new beginnings for my husband, my family, my ministry and myself. Many of you already know, God has called us out of our music ministry to plant a church in Townsend, Delaware. We don’t know what this looks like or what it means to step away from the familiar (more than a decade of traveling music ministry) into the unknown.

As you can imagine, many questions dangle from the sky as we look into this vast open space ahead. How will we provide for our children? Who will come and be a part of this new chapter in our lives? When? What? Where?

While spending time in today’s passage of My Utmost for His Highest, a couple of sentences really jumped out at me,

“Have you been asking God what He is going to do? He won’t (necessarily) tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is.”

So let me get this straight…
God, you want me to walk into this new year without a plan?
Yes, it’s called living by faith.
And, Will you show me what is ahead?
No, I will show you WHO I AM. That is enough.

THAT IS ENOUGH. Why? Because HE is GOD!

So, instead of putting together a plan for
“self-promotion” or
“self-improvement” or
even “self-preservation”,
God wants me to commit my heart and life, my dreams and desires to Him.

He says in Prov. 16:3 Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.

No, I’m not counting on “a plan” for 2012.  I’m not banking on my abilities or aspirations.  I’m counting on a Person.

His track record is astounding.
His attention, undivided.
His abilities, unparalleled.
His love, eternal.
His plan, perfect.


As you forge on into this new year, will it be business as usual?PINIMAGE

Have you set up for yourself yet another list of new year’s resolutions hoping that THIS TIME you will actually follow through?

Maybe God is waiting on you to come to Him as you begin your year, not to find out what He can do, but to find out Who He Is.

Now that sounds like a plan!

PINIMAGEMY CUP OF TEA – I want to share with you something I came across this summer.  I seldom have time to do my nails and, when I do, I only get to enjoy them for two to three days before I see the polish begin to chip.  While traveling in Tennessee, I purchased a bottle of top coat called “Out The Door”.

PINIMAGEI mainly bought it because it claimed to dry polish quickly.  What I noticed is that my polish stayed on double and triple the time it did ordinarily.  In fact, I played a lot of volleyball this summer and my polish held up to the sun and sand.  I think everyone should try “Out The Door”.  And, of course, if you comment on today’s blog, you will be entered to win a bottle for yourself.

If you are planning on giving this product a try, I recommend applying one top coat after the nail color and then apply another coat later when you get a minute to ensure that the polish will last.

And the winner of this week’s drawing is Pamala McMorrow! Please contact us so we can get your bottle of “Out The Door” right out to you!


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  • Todd Nelson - Tammy, I can’t of a better way to start this new year then by trusting that God will lead us to his goals for us! Have to say…. This was an excellent way to start 2012!! Loving your words of wisdom!!

  • Jackie smith - Tammy, this is just what I needed! Thanks!

  • Pamala McMorrow - Tammy, your words have inspired me as usual.is your new church going to be any where near Dover DE? My cousin lives in Dover, and it would be so nice if she could check out your church. Could you email me back please? I hope you will never stop writing your blog. I only wish it was everyday and not just once a week.

  • Jennie - Wonderful reminder of encouragement, to always strive to put our trust in Him! Thank-you, Tammy!

  • Sue Sweeney - Tammy – this is such a great way to start the new year…we all know how long “resolutions” last – the better way is to “trust God” and step out on faith daily as HE leads. Thank you for this weekly post. I pray that Lifehouse brings many souls to Christ in 2012. Love to all of you!

  • Lisa Kerns - Such a good reminder. I am excited for you guys! I hope you can still come and sing for us though:)

  • Stefanie Roselle - Divas and I look forward to Lifehouse every week. 🙂 Excited to be a part of it and watch it grow.

  • Brandie Sparrow - Very encouraging….just what I needed this morning!! Thanks Tammy!

  • Heather Day - Great words today Tammy. Love You!

  • Michele Hartman - Tammy,

    Thank you for this posting. This really spoke to me, as my husband and I are praying about a BIG decision. This was very encouraging!! Also I really need to try that nail polish. I rarely do mine for the same reason:)

    God bless,
    Michele Hartman

  • Barbara Day - Tammy – John and I have lived by this idea for the past few years with our current arrangement. The best part – God has arrived, grown us both, sustained our family and continues to be greater every day. He gives us hope and a future; just as He promises is Jeremiah – and He is filling us up with more of Him.
    Love ya, sugar…and here if you need encouragement, a good cry or just a cup of coffee and some laughs! 🙂

  • Brittany Weidler - I’ve slowly come to learn that ..every year I’m sitting there trying to figure out a plan or what I want to do but I can’t ever figure it out. This yr I am going to live by faith and in the end wherever I’ve come to; that was my plan.

  • Jennifer Trester - As my family and myself personally face a year of medical struggles, Your blog post was just the reminder I needed that God won’t show me the path to take but unerringly show me who He is. Lord I pray that you show me not what You are going to do, but Who You Are. I will choose the right path because you have shown me Who You Are and that will be enough. If every thing you do begins with and ends with God, then God will handle the unknowns in the middle.

  • Alaina - So excited for yall! We will be praying for your new venture.

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