Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – There’s No Place Like Home!

 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. (Eph 3:16-17) NLT

This weekend our family music ministry, Calling Levi, sang in Florida.  We left home Friday night at six, arrived in Florida on Saturday afternoon, set up, sang Sunday morning, left for home and arrived back on Monday morning at 8:00 am.  Talk about a crazy trip!PINIMAGE

For over 20 years now I have traveled in music ministry in some form. (That would mean I started when I was three. Ha!) In fact, at home, I keep my toiletry bag packed at all times.  I’m ashamed to say that the suitcase I used for our summer tour is still sitting neatly in the corner on my bedroom floor filled with summer clothes.

Through the years I have stayed in countless host homes and hotels. It would be interesting to me to know how many.  All of this traveling affords us plenty of opportunities for hilarious stories we will someday share with our grandkids (many, many years from now)!  I have quite a few stories of host home experiences gone awry: awkward conversations, uncomfortable rollaway beds, dead squirrel in the closet.  I’m not making this stuff up!!!

That’s why the phrase “there’s no place like home” is all the more special to me.  I have done my best to make our home a haven for Mark and I and the kids. It has my signature on the decor and design. From paint colors, to wall art, to candle scents, my home speaks of who I am.  It’s a reflection of me in every way.

As much as someone might want to make me feel at home when I travel, it’s never like being at home. Their homes are just not like mine. When I walk into someone else’s home, I stand in the entry way and ask them where they’d like me to put my bags, I then wait for them to tell me what we’ll do next. I follow their cue in everything until it’s my time to leave.

God spoke to me during our trip this weekend through a passage in the Bible,

Ephesians 3:16-17 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. (NLT)

Have I simply allowed Christ into my heart and life to stand at the door and await my cue?   Does he feel like a visitor?  This passage says to let him make my heart and life HIS home – His paint colors, His wall art, His candles, His signature.  I think you get the point.  If you’ve invited Christ into your life, into your heart, how do you treat His presence there?  Have you given him the “run of the house” or are you treating Him like a guest?  There’s a big difference.

I’ve been challenged by this illustration to allow Christ to “make His home” in me.  So that when people see me, they see His signature. His design.  How do we allow Christ to make our hearts His home?

  • Get rid of the junk.  (You know – that stuff that’s hidden in the closets.  Things you don’t want to tackle.  Stuff you don’t want others to see. It’s gotta go.)
  • Expect major renovations.  If my heart is to become His home, He will probably begin by tearing down walls, and restructuring the space as He sees fit.
  • Remember to trust the Architect.  His resources are boundless.  He never skimps.  He only adorns our hearts and lives with the finest of blessings and goodness.  And He requires nothing from us but the willingness to let Him work.  The Bibles verse says He will make His home in your hearts AS YOU TRUST HIM.”

I can honestly say my heart is a work in progress.  The only time the construction slows is when I get in the way.  But I’ll tell you something…what I have found is this – When Christ is Lord, there’s no place like home!


I love coffee and I drink a bunch of it.  My husband, Mark, and I finish a pot each morning and are left wanting.  Okay, so I’m sure there’s plenty to say about too much coffee.  But it’s the truth in my home. We love coffee.  So, in the afternoon when the coffee pot is already in the dishwasher, I can still have a cup of coffee if I like.  My friend, Tara, turned me on to Starbucks  instant coffee.  And it’s actually great for being instant!  I don’t treat myself to it every day.  I just enjoy a cup when I’ve been in front of the computer too long or need a pick-me-up.  Those of you who comment on today’s blog will, of course, be entered to win a box of your own to try for yourself.  Hope you enjoy like I do.  It’s definitely my cup of tea.PINIMAGE

AND THE WINNER IS…(I was supposed to announce the winner on Wednesday but I’ve been spending the past several days being Thankful!)  Lisa Kerns!  Congratulations! PINIMAGE

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  • Nana - So true…well stated! I love your home…and your home is full of Christ….I see the decor, the pictures, the scriptures….and I am always blessed there. Thank you for making Christ visible in your home for your family. The Lord, You and Mark, Abby, Hudson, and Sophie have a lovely abode. See you soon!

  • Sherry Pickering - Sounds like you need a Keurig! :-))

  • Mark Lashey - 🙂

  • Stacie Jones - Just Stumbled across Tammy on Tuesday. So glad that I did. You are always very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  • Dawn Miller - Thanks Tammy! A blessing as usual!

  • Rachelle Powers - I love reading my Tammy on Tuesday with a HUGE cup of coffee! Or three.

  • Lisa Kerns - The construction process is painful at times but you are right, God is still so good! I hope there are no rotting carcasses in the closets of my heart!!!

  • April McCabe - Thank you for the words of encouragement today. I wanna thank you and anyone else who may have seen my post last week. I have a PRAISE report!!! God has proven himself to us once again…my sons test results came back negative!!!!! Thank you Lord! I was squealing with joy! Still praising his name!!

  • Candie Baldridge - I love this illustration. We all are guilty of letting a little of ourselves get in the way. Thank you for sharing this and I will be sharing your blog with others. Oh ….and I share the coffee passion. I do not know what I would do without my Keurig!

  • Rachel Carter - Tammy, thank you for sharing with us what God revealed to you. I needed this today more than you will ever know! Thank you for being HIS tool to speak to me today. Love you!

  • Sue Sweeney - Tammy, what a great illustration you have used in today’s blog. How true is it that we often treat Christ as a “guest” in our lives when He should be a “resident”. Thank you for bringing this to light in such a great way. You have so much talent, I thank God that you share it with others.

  • Tammy Monfiletto - Tammy, I don’t always get a chance to read your blog but when I do, I always get something out of it. I love your real life illustrations along with scripture. What a great “lift me up”. Keep up the great job!

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