Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – The Remedy for Worry



Worry.  There are a few exceptions to the rule but most of us worry.  I’ve heard it said that if a person worries it means they’re intelligent.  (I guess because they apparently know those things that are so important to worry about?)  Maybe I’ve given myself the green light to worry because it just shows that I am concerned about what is going on in the many facets of my life.  We worry about our kids, our careers, our friendships.  You name it, someone is probably worrying about it.

Whatever the case, in the Bible, we’re told not to worry.  So the other day, I was driving home from taking my oldest to school.  I was worrying about her.  She’s 11 now and on some days I have to fight to suppress the question, “Who are you? And what did you do with my little Abby- Jane? “  Don’t get me wrong.  Abby is a beautiful, sensitive girl.  I’m very proud of her.  But this was one of those days that I was worrying about Abby and the importance of her making the right choices in her life. PINIMAGE

As I drove, I began praying…somewhat frantically.   In my prayer I decided to quote a verse I memorized as a child.  I began,

“Lord you say in Your Word… ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, let your request be made known unto God…and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus’.” 

After I said it, I waited.  Didn’t feel any different.  I asked, “So, God? When does the peace which passes understanding actually hit me?”  “How long do I have to wait for the peace?”   “How long before I feel the worry go away?”

God didn’t shout down the answer to me that day although I would’ve welcomed it.  In fact, once I got out of the car, I was back to my to-do list and pushed the whole experience to the back of my mind.

Two mornings later, of all things, I opened up my devotion book and noticed that the verse under the introduction was THE VERY SAME verse I had quoted in my car.  I began reading it from my New Living Translation Bible.  Here’s what it said…

Don’t worry about anything.  (I’m trying.)

Instead, tell God about everything – (Oh, I’m good at that.)

Tell God what you need…(Check.)


Wait!  I missed something very important when I quoted this passage in the car… “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, let your request be made known unto God…WITH THANKSGIVING.”  How could I have left out that whole phrase?  I’d forgotten it altogether – the part about GIVING THANKS!


So, here it was, God’s answer to my question in the car –

found in Philippians 4:6&7

 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.


My responsibility…

  1. Don’t worry about anything;
  2. Instead, pray about everything.
  3. Tell God what you need, and
  4. Thank Him for all He has done.


My frantic prayer in the car should have sounded a little more like this:

Lord, I’m really tempted to worry about Abby in this tumultuous time in her life.

Instead of worrying, I want to bring this concern to You.

I need You to do what I cannot.  I need You to protect and encourage Abby to make the choices that bring You honor.

God, Thank you for the beautiful, sensitive, kind daughter you gave me.

Thank you that my concerns for Abby are important to you.

Thank you that I can pray at any time and You will hear me and answer.

Thank you that You desire to work on my behalf.

Thank you that You have a purpose and a plan for her life.  Help me to see it too.


God’s Promise…

THEN you will experience God’s peace (and not just any peace) the kind of peace that exceeds your understanding.  – Sign Me up!

And HIS peace will guard your heart and your mind (from Worry) as you live in Christ Jesus.

I don’t know who needs to hear this today but  “person – whoever you are” God wants you to stop worrying.   Today, I am giving you God’s remedy for worry.  Perhaps you’ll give it a try.

I know for me…the more I learn…the more I live.



One thing that always helps me to breath deeply and let go of my worries is the smell of a good candle burning.  I would have to say, there’s nothing like a wonderful scent to fill your home after a hectic day.  Often, I’ll even light a candle on my desk while I work.  Some of the candles I enjoy are made by Slatkin & Co. for Bath & Body Works.  They have some amazing candles for every season!PINIMAGE

And, guess what?  You knew it was coming…comment on my blog today and you will be entered to win a drawing for your own Slatkin & Co. candle to help you enjoy this Thanksgiving season!


AND THE WINNER of the Slatkin & Co. Candle is…  Kristin Brackin chosen by random generator.

Please e-mail us with your contact info so we can get your gift to you!


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  • Sarah Corner - Tammy,
    My dear friend Lisa Kerns passed your blog on to me. It was so incredibly perfect and timely. I have three daughters and I often find myself asking similar questions about my 12 year old. This was a great reminder of the peace we can find through Christ and the love that our Heavenly Father has for our children!!
    Thank you!

  • Rob@callinglevi.com - Great word, Tammy! Perfect timing too. You need to do a devotional book.

  • Joan Wenzel - Really needed to be reminded about the important part of this verse. Thanksgiving.
    Thanksgiving and praise are really the only important part of any prayer. In the midst of worry one tends to forget these.
    Thank you for the reminder!

  • Sheryl Buckman - I worry ALL THE TIME! In fact…right before I read this I was worrying that my third graders will pass the math test we are have been reviewing all week! Not only do I worry about my family, friends, and all the little things that get thrown at you on a daily basis… I worry about the 22 little smiling faces that walk through my classroom door everyday!!

    Always puts a smile on my face…thanks for sharing. 🙂


  • Mindy Getty - Thank you Tammy for sharing 🙂

    In this season there have been some hard things i’ve been going through and there have been some significant changes in my life. I often forget to thank God instead of worrying so much about the things I know he has control of. Thank you for those encouraging words and the verse we so often forget.

    Mindy Getty

  • Carole Gilmore - Thanks for that special verse today. Worry doesn’t change a thing but prayer and thanksgiving surely bring a peace only God can give us. He is so faithful.
    Sorry we missed you on your last visit to Wiley.

  • Letitia Britton - Tam…you know me. I’m a worrier. What a blessing this was to me today 🙂

  • Jessica - Such a simple yet powerful verse. It so easy to make our request, and pray for things that are on our minds, but so often we forget to give thanks for the things that He has already done and is doing in our lives!! It’s kind of like tunnel vision- we need to remind ourselves that the same God who brought us this far in our journey is the same powerful God who will continue leading us on, and then praise Him for all that He’s done!! Great post…thank you for sharing.

  • April McCabe - Thanks for being led of the LORD in your devotions. This seriously touched me. It’s where I am! We have just been through a bit with Brandon and he has now been tested for CYSTIC FIBROSIS. His test has come back POSITIVE and they wanted to re test him to confirm which we did this am. We are now waiting for the results which we will have this afternoon. It is a very hard and trying time right now and extremely hard NOT TO WORRY!!! I know you have been there. We have been in other situations with him before but this one right now tops it all! PLEASE PRAY FOR US as we await the final results and get through this! WE Know GOD is GREATER but learning to totally TRUST HIM is a hard thing!
    Thank you, April

  • jackie smith - tammy… this verse is just what i needed to read today! thanks so much for all you do and for what strength you give me.
    jackie smith

  • Jamie Cross - Great devotion!This is something I relate too, I do struggle with worrying but in the end things always seem to work out, and that is how I know God is looking out for me and my family 🙂

  • Kathy Coe - This is good stuff Tammy…thanks for the reminder.

  • Susan Gray - Tammy – Melanie and I were just talking about worrying the other day, she is a senior and is trying to make the right decisions regarding her future. During our conversation I was reminded of something my dad said so many years ago. He said, “The worrying of a parent never stops, you think when your children grow up and become adults that you will never worry again but then they bring home husbands/wives and children – now you have even more to worry about.” With 4 children there is always something to worry about. I find myself praying for them and George throughout the day – holding them up to God so that he can protect them. Its amazing how God gives total peace and allows me to continue my day without the worry hanging over my head. Thank you for sharing, your blog has become a part of my Tuesday routine. ps. I love candles too especially banana nut bread; it leaves the house smelling like I have cooked up something yummy. 🙂

  • Debbie Brown - What a great reminder. Thank you!

  • Dawn Miller - Thank you so much! This was exactly what I needed to hear today!

  • Kristin Brackin - Tammy, this one really spoke to me. I am going through a time of worry over my 18 year old college boy. I am grateful for the reminders here. Thanks for being a blessing!!

  • Beth Perez - I look forward to Tammy on Tuesday. Today’s especially hit home. Thanks for sharing!

  • Heather Sisofo - My ring tone (that I have had for years) is Three Little Birds by Bob Marley…
    “Don’t worry about a thing,
    ‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
    Singin’: “Don’t worry about a thing,
    ‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right!”

    Rise up this mornin’,
    Smiled with the risin’ sun,
    Three little birds
    Pitch by my doorstep
    Singin’ sweet songs
    Of melodies pure and true,
    Sayin’, “This is my message to you-ou-ou
    I need this reminder every day! And when the phone rings Bob is usually the one on the other side….. 🙂

  • Sue Sweeney - Thanks, Tammy, for another wise lesson from God’s word. I, too, am a good one to ask and forget to thank God for what He has done.

  • Jennifer Tyre - Thank you! It is always so easy to pray for what we need and forget to Thank him for the things He has done for us.

  • Jenny Pyryt - Tam, You know I’m a worrier. Thankfully I also pray about EVERYTHING. I think it is said that people who worry are intelligent because we know all the things that can go wrong in a situation, and all the myriad consequences that we could face. I have come to the truth, that I can’t worry and trust God at the same time. Sometimes the choice is not easy, and is difficult to have faith, and trust God without trying to jump in and fix the worry. I also know that God is always faithful. Having a thankful heart is so important. if your heart is filled with gratitude, there is little room for worry…

    Ps: I love a good candle, and Slatkin has some delicious ones! I also like the Cheerful Giver (keeper of the light) candles that are made in Elmer, NJ. Each one comes with the bible verse about being a cheerful giver…cool! Have a blessed day!

  • Tara Altenritter - Again, great timing 🙂 a much need message about worry, it is so hard to not be consumed with all kinds of thoughts trying to protect our teenage and preteen children because we just love them so much. Hard not to worry and give it over to God but I’m working on it 🙂 and the candles…… All so yummy!!!!

  • Becky Gaddis - Tammy, Today was my first day to read Tammy on Tuesday. I know the Lord sent me here because I am definitely a worrier. Thank you for your words (& God’s words) today. I needed them. Now I am off to pray with thanksgiving!! Oh! & I will be back next Tuesday. Thanks again!

  • Jordan Conover - Tammy,
    Thank you so much for this devotion. I’m in a rather difficult time of my life. I graduated from college in May and I’ve been looking for a teaching job since then. I was finally hired, so that worry is behind me. However, new worries are arising as I begin teaching. I will be responsible for a child’s education, and not just one but many. While many worries continue to flood my mind, I have so many things to be thankful for. So, THANK YOU for reminding me of that and sharing what the Lord showed you.
    (Second Cape May Baptist)

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