Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – What’s your assignment?


Learn & Live

Sophie casually mentioned the other morning before school, “Oh, mommy, I had homework to do and turn in today.” Thinking back to the prior evening, I recalled that we were out and there was no time to do the work then. So, I said to her, “Sophie, go get your backpack and do it now.”  Her response was, “But I don’t know how to do it!” 

I thought to myself…“Don’t know how to do it? How can you not know how to do it?  You don’t even know what the assignment is!!”

My immediate response was, “I will show you what to do, but you gotta get it out first.”   

She’s been saying the same thing since school in first grade began for her.  First grade is a time when you have to step it up and take on more responsibility – you have “real” homework.   When Sophie began first grade, we were told to spend time working with her strengthening her reading skills. She had learned the very basics in kindergarten but, as she entered 1st grade, she was expected to build on the principles she had learned.

The only way to get her where she needed to be was daily practice.  In the beginning, we would sit down and she would whine, “I can’t do it!  I don’t know how to read!” Then I would have to take time explaining that it was the exact reason we were working on it together.  I always reminded her that, when it came to her homework, she would always have me there to help her.


 Sophie’s first day in First Grade

Now we are in a homework routine, and since Sophie knows that I am right here, I sometimes sit quietly and allow her to struggle through some of the concepts so that she can grow. Those times are more challenging but I constantly remind her I am here.   And this is the process each day.

Why?  Because I want Sophie to be miserable? No. Why do I make her do this?

Because I want her to enjoy reading. Because I love her and know that it’s up to me to help her grow and learn. Because there’s good that comes from this hard work.

God spoke to me about my own life through the experience with Sophie and her homework that morning. When God gives me an assignment I often say, “God, I can’t do it.” – Many times that’s my reply before I even set out.  I even resort to whining at times.  In my mind I make excuses as to why this assignment is impossible for me – why it seems unfair.  Then God says,  “I will show you what to do but you gotta unpack it first.”  In other words,  “Tammy.  I have given you something to do.   I will walk with you through this task.  I am giving you this because I love you.  You won’t do it alone.”

Has God given you an assignment?

Maybe you need to write that letter, or make that phone call.

Maybe He’s asking you to forgive someone who has hurt you.

Maybe He’s asking to start something new.

Maybe He’s trying to take you deeper in your relationship with Him.

Have you protested from the very start without even considering the fact that He will be with you through it?  That there will be good that comes from it? That it’s an opportunity for growth? He tells us the purpose of His assignments for us in Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”.   

I know stepping out is only the beginning.  When we say “yes” to the assignment, it doesn’t mean it necessarily gets easy from that point on…it just means we’re doing what God has given us to do; and we’re doing it with Him by our side.  Do you think Sophie has mastered reading yet? In a nutshell…Uh no.  (Watch this link for some inspiration!  But don’t forget to come back…there’s more Tammy On Tuesday!)



My Cup of Tea

I’m going to share just a quick favorite that is definitely “My Cup of Tea”.  Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm.  Original.PINIMAGE

I love it.  I have a stick next to my bed, in my purse, in my desk drawer, in my car, at the studio, in coat pockets…and more places I’ve probably forgotten.   Just comment on today’s post and you can enter to win a drawing for your very own Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm.  I think you’re gonna love it too.


AND THE WINNER IS…chosen by random generator…PINIMAGE  Lauren Smith!  Yay, Lauren.  Please contact us by e-mail or facebook with your mailing info.   You’ll receive your lip balm soon!



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  • Susan Gray - Tammy, God has taught me so much through my children. Two of them, Melanie (Senior) and Brandon (Freshman) are now in High School. I am blessed to still be at home for Rachel (4th.) and Cody (2nd.) Homeschooling them is the greatest. Sitting between them on the couch and having them both read to me is one of our favorite times of the day.

  • Kathy Coe - Thanks Tammy for allowing us to enjoy and glean from Tammy on Tuesday. Today is a good reminder to follow God’s leading and not allow the excuses and the I cant’s to creep in. God Bless you and your family…BTW Sophie is adorable!

  • Joyce Britton - Brings back memories. This too will pass. Give Sophie a hug.

  • Lauren Smith - I look forward each week to reading Tammy on Tuesday… It helps keep me focused and love the illustrations you use. Thanks! Lauren

  • Ginny Thomas - Thank you for YOUR new endeavor, Tammy on Tuesday. You are continuing to be a blessing to all of us, Tammy. All ages. I turned 65 in August and as I recently shared with a friend, the older I get (chronologically and in the Lord), the more I realize how much more there is to learn. Be blessed and again, my thanks and blessings out to you and yours!

  • Rachel Frazier - I have been reading your “Tammy on Tuesday” posts every week. I actually just went through something this weekend, and got to reconnect with a great Godly friend. We were both talking about how we are called to do things, but always say we can’t or we don’t have time. God put this post in front of me at the right time… He does ALWAYS know exactly what He is doing!!!

  • Sue - Hi Tammy, Thank you for the words of wisdom regarding the “I can’ts” As your Uncle Carlo always likes to tell us…”Can’t wooped couldn’t til he could” Just like the kids trust us to help them get through their struggles, we should let our Father help us through ours!
    Haven’t tried that particular Burt’s Bees product, but have tried the lips shimmer and I love it. Keep those blogs coming – I love them!!!!

  • Dawn - Thanks Tammy! I am a first grade teacher and I always find myself dealing with these same issues in class! A great reminder though to apply it to my own life!

  • Erin Carrow - yup, burt’s bees chapstick is probably my favorite thing ever. 🙂

  • Christy Burns - Burt’s Bees is good stuff! 🙂 I love the tingle!
    I will be praying that the light bulb finally lights up for sweet little Sophie, so that her reading skills will improve and take off! 🙂

  • Lisa Kerns - Such a great reminder Tammy. We love Burt’s Bees too:)

  • Sheri - I love Burt’s Bees! Probably because you sold me on it a long time ago! Or maybe because my lips seem to be always chapped these days. Love your post!

  • Heather - Are you sure you weren’t filming Alli! I go through the same thing every night! Next blog should be called ” patience is a virtue”!!!!!

  • Candie - Oh I have a bad case of the “I can’t(s)” when it comes to doing what the Lord has put before me. I figured out something though; it is best to just start doing what is asked and let the Lord lead you through the process. My “I can’t” was going back to school and to eventually work with churches in my area as a Christian Counselor. Even now, I don’t feel like I am the right person for the job. I often times find myself saying, “I am not good enough for this kind of work.” But then I remind myself that God LOVES broken people. He loves taking people who are least likely to do a certain work and making them great at it. So instead I try to be excited about how God is going to work through me instead of seeing the me I see.

  • Paula Cook - Hello Tammy,
    I haven’t had a chance to read your devotionals before this one. Precious!!! And I love Burt’s Bees chapstick also!! Mark and I try to give to you to help your ministry out when we can-we want to encourage you all in the Lord. You all have a wonderful ministry. In case you don’t remember-we are at Hyland Heights Baptist Church!
    Don’t enter my name into the drawing-that’s not why I replied. Just want you to know you are appreciated.

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