Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy On Tuesday – Never take yourself too seriously…Because no one else does.



Prov 17:22 – A cheerful heart is good medicine. 

Just yesterday morning I knelt down in my bathroom to get something out from underneath the sink and my right knee started to ache with pain.   That’s when I was quickly reminded of what took place just a week ago.  I was traveling with our music ministry, Calling Levi,  in Mississippi.

After the concert, I decided to change for our two-hour trip to the airport.  I went to the van for my suitcase and headed back into the church building.  The pastor, my sister, and our scheduling coordinator, Sheri were waiting to open the door for me as I returned.  All I can tell you is that one minute I was looking at them standing at the door; and the next I was looking at the pavement.  My cell phone had gone sailing through the air while water began to soak my dress pants at the knee from the rain that just fell.  My hands were burning from breaking my fall and I lay there wondering,  “What in the world had just happened?!?”

Now, I can’t remember the last time I wiped out in public, or in private for that matter; but it didn’t take me long to realize I had an audience.  Six people got to see me gracefully slide across the pavement.   Note to self:  One doesn’t feel so fancy in their dress pants and fancy shirt when they’re laying face first on the ground.

Once everyone found out I was okay, it was hard for them not to laugh at the situation.  What is it about seeing someone fall that makes you want to laugh?  You know what?  I laughed too.  I bet, if we’d gotten it on camera, I could’ve a least submitted it to America’s Funniest Home Videos.  So, what’s the lesson here?  If you work at not taking yourself too seriously and try to laugh at the times when life throws you a curve ball…you’ll do much better when you find yourself on the pavement.

So my first thought for the day is “Don’t take yourself too seriously because when funny stuff happens to you, you’ll be the only one not laughing.”

Now, for a little medicine for the soul, check out this link but don’t forget to come back here.  I’ve got more to share with you!  (Just click on the picture below to view.)



Another reason not to take yourself too seriously is because it’ll give you acne!


Not long ago, I was sitting with a group of friends having dinner and we began to discuss the busy week ahead.  I listened for a while and could feel the anxiety begin to build inside of me.  I started to squirm in my chair and tried to turn my thoughts to butterflies and fluffy puppies, but to no avail!  Finally, I piped up and said, “Does anyone at this table care that I have adult-acne AND an ulcer!?!?”  (Of course, the ulcer was self-diagnosed.)

But as for the acne, it doesn’t hardly seem fair that I birthed and am raising three children. I attempt to understand and communicate with my spouse on a daily basis. I cook and clean, try to run a small business and still get acne!  What is up with that???  I tell my kids all the time that life is not fair, but this, my friend, is simply not fair!

So, since adult acne is a reality for many of us, I want to share something that I would call My Cup of Tea.  It’s called Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Cleanser.   All I can say is…I like it.  It works great at quickly drying out any breakouts and promotes clearer skin.  I always follow up with a good moisturizer to keep my skin soft.  (I’m sure we’ll talk about the moisturizer one of these days.)


Now, ideally, to reduce our stress and our odds of breaking out, we all should look for ways to reduce our stress – exercise, eat better, take time to breath deep, pray a lot, and try to find some down time…This cleanser won’t do all of that for you but it’s definitely my cup of tea!

You can try this too, by winning our drawing.  Simply comment on this blog to have your name entered to win a tube of Neutrogena Healthy Skin Cleanser!  We will draw a winner tomorrow morning.  It could be you!

AND THE WINNER IS!!!!!    Jackie Smith – your name was selected by a random generator because you were our tenth person to comment on the blog.  You’ve won a tube of Neutrogena Healthy Skin Cleanser!  Please e-mail us with your contact information so we can get your gift to you!


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  • Tracy Skipworth - I care about your adult acne because I also suffer from adult acne.
    I’m ulcer free at the moment though! Whew!

  • Jo - So glad you put a reminder on FB to read your blog. I look forward to reading these every Tues but today this was my 1st chance to check it out. I certainly don’t understand why we laugh when people fall but we sure do. Like someone else said, I don’t laugh ’til I know they are okay. For me, it just depends on the situation. Cause I can think of times I never laughed at all because I was so happy they were okay. I’ve been able to laugh at myself which is good.

  • Tammy Monfiletto - I fell in high school going down the steps with only 2 steps left. Two of the high school guys (no names will be given ha), walked right past me. They said nothing and didn’t even help me up. As for adult acne, I was on every kind of medicine you could think of. I gave up. So everyone has to put up with my acne scarred face!

  • jackie smith - hey tammy…i find myself always triping or running into things all the time. sometimes i think i have so much on my mind that i dont pay attention to where im going. jackie smith:}

  • Molly Tomlin - Hi Tammy,
    I loved and can totally relate to everything about this weeks post. My son Kyle & I were in tears watching the video of the model and listening to those two anchors belly laughing as they told the story…that was the best laugh I had all week. And I really felt guilty for laughing because I did the same thing in Home Depot Sunday and my ankle still hurts. And I just have to say, I’m glad I’m not the only one suffering from adult acne..it’s aweful and nothing I’ve tried seems to be helping so I will definately look in to the Neutrogina cleanser. Thanks for the laugh and the advice and have a great week! Molly Tomlin

  • Abby - Lol. Thanks for the distraction while I was waiting at the MVA!

  • Candie - Oh the adult acne…I can so feel ya there! I think the best thing for acne is a vacation….stress free…with people to wait on you and possibly a nice spa day.

  • Katie - Healthy skin is always in!! Yay!! xoxo, Katie

  • Heather Pancake - The thing that makes me laugh the most is people falling or getting hurt. Sounds terrible, I know. But, I only laugh after knowing that they are ok.

  • Lisa Kerns - too funny:) Neutrogena sunblock is great as well. Good thoughts Tammy:)

  • Heather - I am always looking for a good skin product, I will have to try this!

  • Sue Sweeney - I’m glad you didn’t break anything when you fell! What is it about sometimes when people get hurt it’s funny, but when it happens to us it’s not so funny? Best to take your advise and just laugh with the rest of them.
    Thanks for the info on the Neutrogena cleanser – I see it helps wrinkles too. I don’t get blemishes but at my age the wrinkles seem to make their appearance. Thanks for sharing!

  • Tara Altenritter - Since I fell down my stairs with laundry basket in hand and have been battling some acne myself…. Impeccable timing as usual;) love it!

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