Tammy on Tuesday »

Tammy on Tuesday


Today we are introducing a new feature to our blog.  Tammy on Tuesday is a way for us to connect with you and share what’s going on in our lives, behind the scenes of Luminosity Photography & Design.   Consider it a snapshot of what life is like in my little world.  I will share on one of three different topics every Tuesday.
The topics are:
My Cup of Tea – Ever hear someone say, “Well, that’s just not my cup of tea…”?  I got to thinking about what IS my cup of tea.  My friends and family have always razzed me about the fact that I was born a salesman.  If I find something that I like, who ever I connect with that day gets the infomercial on it.  I can’t help it.  So, as an outlet, I’ve decided to list my favorite things here on our blog.  Ladies, I do not plan to disappoint.  I’ll tell you about my favorite makeup, hair products, books, foods, you name it.  If I love it…you’ll hear about it.

Learn & Live –  Okay, now I’m spinning off a phrase we often hear…”Live & Learn”.  Except, in my life, I have found, as I learn I live more!  These blog posts will reflect my faith in God and what I am learning as I grow in Him.  The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8  Hence…Learn & Live.

Funny Family – In these posts I will talk about mom stuff.  I will share funny stories about my kids and talk about things I’m learning as a parent.  Stephanie and I have often said when it comes to our kids, we could write a book!  I’m guessing every mother can relate.

I hope you’ll check in on Tuesdays and even share your comments with me.  For now, WELCOME, and thanks for stopping by.

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  • stephanie hallum - sounds great..looking forward to reading it!!

  • Jeni Brower - I love it. I can’t wait to read all about it. Have a great Tuesday, Tammy!

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