Tammy on Tuesday »

Baby Marcus | Delaware Newborn Photographer

What can we say about Baby Marcus?  Well, let’s see…. he was pretty much an ANGEL for his first photo shoot.  He slept a lot and modeled for us with his eyes wide open!  He is such a little treasure and a beautiful addition to his sweet family.  As you may have seen in our tweets a few weeks back, he has also made it into Luminosity History.  He was the first shoot ever in our brand new studio!




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  • girlymama - so i am totally biased, since this is my nephew, but these are the most gorgeous baby pictures EVER!! (don’t tell my kids i said that!)

  • Ellen Bitler - Love love love these pics! (Of course I’m friends with this family so maybe I’m biased too!) Love the family pic!!! Just awesome!

  • i know i’m biased « sunny side of life - […] and I’m so glad that we will forever have the image of Marcus as a newborn, frozen in time. They blogged about it, and you should totally go check it out and then come back and tell me how gorgeous my son […]

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