Tammy on Tuesday »

Sisters | Delaware Photographer

We were thrilled when the beautiful & oh- so- talented group “Sisters” (they are all 3 sisters by the way) called us and asked us to take some promotional shots for them!  These girls have been great friends of ours for quite a few years now.  We are blessed to know them & there is never a dull moment when we get together (see video link below).  These ladies are simply gorgeous and it’s pretty much impossible to take a bad photo of them.  You can also check out their site at www.sistersmusic.org











As some of you may know, Tammy & I have quite the acting skills and this is our outlet 😉  We got together with Sisters to film a short video of  “Sweet Sissies”.  Below is our Outtakes video from the shoot… you can watch our other Sweet Sissies videos on Youtube…. if you ever get really bored.  Sisters Meet The Sweet Sissies- Outtakes

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  • Kim Hill - Such gorgeous women! You really captured them beautifully.

  • tamsen - whoa- these are fab, fab images! these girls are stunning!

  • Jenny - WOW! What gorgeous sisters!!! And such fabulous images! Beautiful!!!

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