Tammy on Tuesday »

The Davis Family {Delaware Family Photographer}

We were so happy when the Davis family called us to photograph their family in honor of their youngest boy’s first year!  We had the pleasure of shooting his newborn photos.  We cannot believe a year has come and gone so quickly!  The weather was gorgeous and it was a perfect evening.  So much energy in a shoot!  We had a blast! PINIMAGE









Who needs to bribe with candy when you have the favorite boots??  Love it!



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  • Bonnie Peterson - Great pictures of a beautiful family!

  • Sally Ghabour - So cute! I love it!!

  • Amy - LOVE these!!!

  • Ali Przybylski - Love these pics Ry and Laura!!! The boys are just too adorable!

  • Jenny Moynihan - Great pictures! I love the one with the boots.

  • Erin Kesselring - Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! Love them! The boys are so sweet together. I LOVE the boots.

  • carrie armbruster - Amazing pictures

  • Jill Day - These pictures are amazing!!! I love them all 🙂

  • Erin McCullin - I LOVE this family…these pictures are beautiful.

  • Angela - I LOVE these family photos! Some of the best I’ve seen!

  • Allison Ash - What a beautiful family! Great photos!!!

  • Jenn Dunkelberger - The pics of the Davis family are so beautiful I immediately started crying. Precious moments captured forever!

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