Tammy on Tuesday »

Dane & Rebecca {Delaware Family Photographers}

A beautiful couple! Right?  The setting is serene.  No one would ever know that this photo shoot almost turned out to be a complete disaster!  Dane and Rebecca live over an hour away from our studio and due to crazy schedules (both theirs and ours) we had one day on our calendars to make this shoot happen.  About two hours before the shoot a CRAZY storm blew in.  I got on my cell and called them telling them it didn’t look like a photo shoot would be possible with the weather.  Even if it cleared, we imagined it would be just too wet to do anything.  Rebecca was quiet on the other end of the line.  Finally she said, “We are about 5 minutes from the studio.  We wanted to take our time and make sure we got here without any trouble.  We are sitting at a pizza place.”  What were we going to do?  Well, a few prayers went up and then we waited.  The skies began to clear and the photo shoot was a go.  You would never know by looking at these images that we had to take a break in the middle for a hail storm to pass through.  Dane and Rebecca were such good sports.  I imagine these pictures will mean that much more knowing the challenge we faced getting them.  ~ TPINIMAGE







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