Tammy on Tuesday »

Scarborough {Delaware Family Photographer}

One thing you can never count on is perfect weather when planning a photo session.  But we were blessed with just such a day when we photographed this delightful brother and sister.   Not only were they great to work with but it was a joy to watch them just having fun together.  No doubt we captured moments they will one day look back on and smile.


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  • Alyson Cope - Love the pictures and their coordinating outfits!!

  • Cathy Labbate - We have beautiful children in our family — and — they’re ten times sweeter than they are beautiful. I’m so very proud.

  • Uncle E - Absolutely precious, just like their adorable parents!

  • Gisela I. Chavanne - The pictures are absolutely wonderful! So happy I got to see them 🙂

  • Anthony Sherman - beautiful children,- well posed and very professional photographed

  • Susan - Beautiful children and pictures! Great job

  • Alison Eskolsky - Beautiful photos!!! GREAT COLOR CHOICE MOM!!!! MY FAV is the first one and I also adore the one of J with the Wisteria,……
    PRECIOUS. E with BRACES just SCARES ME!!!! Where did our little littles go?!!!

  • Amy Sichel - Evan and Jadyn look absolutely beautiful. Do I see modeling in their futures?? Great pictures!

  • Francine Banick - Genuinely lovely and pure…what a blessing they are!

  • Angie Gordon - What beautiful pictures! Love the color choices!

  • Alyce Sherman - So beautiful!!!!!

  • Lynn - What great shots!!!!

  • Laura - The pictures are beautiful. Love those 2!

  • Laura - These pictures are beautiful! Love those 2!

  • Digger Weigand - Simply stated, the art of capturing the wonder and innocence of children in pictures is AMAZING! Blessed.

  • david scarito - Amazing 20pics! Kids look great!

  • david scarito - Amazing pics!

  • Susan Miller - I am the Scarborough children’s great aunt. The pix are absolutely gorgeous! I enjoyed this very much.

  • Meredith Laden - Gorgeous picture! Hard to get one where the kids BOTH look happy. This one’s perfect.

  • Maury Scarborough - These pictures reflect how beautiful they are on the inside.You should be beaming like we are.

  • Maury Scarborough - Like parents,like children. Fantastic pictures of both of them.

  • Monika - LOVE the pictures and hope to get a copy 🙂

  • Eric - Great pictures. Good color choice.

  • Ambet Menendez - Beautiful kids and very nice pictures.

  • Lisa - Absolutely Wonderful!

  • Amy Richard - These are fantastic pictures! Just beautiful!

  • Cindy Vlahos - Stunning! Love them all!!

  • Natalie - Beautiful portraits of two beautiful children!

  • Gina - Love this one! So good!

  • Jay Zier - Two gorgeous kids, just like their Mom.

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