Tammy on Tuesday »

Family Time

I (Tammy) had the wonderful opportunity to spend time over the Christmas season with family.  My father-in-love planned a ski trip just a few days after Christmas at Timberline Resort in West Virginia.  What an incredible time we had.  My five year old got out on the slopes for the very first time and before the end of the week, she was skiing like a pro.  We spent the days skiing and played board games at night. The time flew by as it usually does when you’re having fun; but this trip will be a memory to cherish for years to come.  While we were there, I took the opportunity to shoot my brother-in-law’s children.  I wanted to share a couple of my favorites with you.

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  • Holly Grate - Tammy…just happened to see this link on Janie’s facebook; so glad I did. You captured each of them so perfectly. The pics of Aubrie are just breathtaking. Love it!

  • Janie - Thank you so much, Tammy! You did such a great job. I can’t wait until we get the disk!

  • Sheri - That middle one of Aubrey makes me smile every time. They all look so great.

  • Mark - Beautiful Girls…..I want to pinch all their cheeks!!!!

  • chesley - these are gorgeous!!

  • Nana Lashey - Thanks for this, Tammy….Those are some GREAT pictures. Thank you for taking the time…and your hard work. It all looks so easy when you look at the finished product…but, you worked so hard. I love the pictures of the girls. Callie’s dimples, Evie’s big blue eyes…and Aubries and her little bright eyes with chimpmonk cheeks are so cute! Love you. Hope I can get some of these for me to have. Awesome!

  • Katie - OH. MY. WORD!!!!!!!! That baby is so adorable; I just want to take a bite out of those chubby cheeks!! Great pics Tammy; I know they will treasure them!!

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