Tammy on Tuesday »

Baby C.J.

A wise person once said, “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” Is it any surprise that these gifts come to us as tiny little people with tiny fingers and tiny toes?  They are gifts we cherish from the moment they enter our lives.  They are so fragile, so needy.  They require so much from us. But the craziest thing about it is that we WANT to give them all of who we are and more.

Craig and Kristen received just such a gift during the Christmas season.  C.J. was tinier than most we have photographed and he was a delight.  Congratulations Craig and Kristen on your new little gift.

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  • Kristen Morgan - Love, Love, Love all of the pics. You guys did a fantastic job!!!

  • Mary Anne Fisanick - CJ is absolutely beautiful and Casey is gorgeous just like her mom and grandmother.

  • Katie - I love that I’m the 30th comment!!! Love the pics!!

  • Amy Graulich - Absolutely adorable! Precious – both of them! Not sure how you pick – get them all..lol. Hugs and kisses to them both.

  • Charla Hogan - Love these pictures!!! They are so sweet.

  • Lynne Lansberry - The new baby is absolutely beautiful and Casey has the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Congratulations

  • Joe and Ruth Morgan - My grandchildren (Casey and CJ) are so precious and beautiful.
    I could love them to pieces.

  • Joe and Ruth Morgan - My precious grandchildren (Casey and CJ) are absolutely beautiful and I could love them to pieces.

  • anita toney - OMG…those are the most amazing pictures…your little girl has the bluest eyes…what a great family..

  • Ronda S - Absolutely adorable! I can’t pick a favorite. CJ in the blue blanket is a must have and the one of Casey resting her head on your arm and smiling is awesome. Buy them all!! XOXO

  • Shannon Morgan Stoltz - OMG…these are amazing…gorgeous family, Kristen! Both of your babies are beautiful! 🙂

  • Carlotta Kopera - What a beautiful family…so sweet.

  • stacey litzinger - he is very cute so is his big sister.

  • helen veneskey - Adorable picture,

  • Amanda - how precious! the pictures are adorable.

  • Rick Miller - Great pictures. Casey is so damn adorable

  • Dana Downs - What a beautiful picture. CJ is adorable!

  • Michelle Nagle - What a beautiful picture of a precious little boy~~~~~

  • Jerri Finet - What a precious baby. He is just beautiful.

  • marianna stafford - beautiful baby, you must be so proud.

  • Patty Weakland - He is so adorable

  • Georgia Downs - What a beautiful little boy!

  • Dottie Gonsman - What a precious litle boy! And very handsome, too. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Esp loved the one of Casey with CJ!!

  • Becky Drass - Awww, how precious! Your family is beautiful!!!!!

  • Dina Diehm - Absolutely gorgeous! I love them! Casey and CJ are gorgeous, blessed children!

  • Kate Kosh - Kristen- beautiful pics! You have two absolutely beautiful children!

  • Gloria Miller - I have the most beautiful grandchildren in the world. The pictures are awesome. I cry everytime I look at them. God has truly blessed me.

  • Gloria Miller - Was crying the whole time while viewing all the pictures. These are my beautiful grandchildren. What a wonderful feeling. God has truly blessed me!

  • Theresa Swift - such a precious family. Love the photos. My Casey looks so proud to be a big sister. CJ is lucky to have her and she is lucky to have him. Love you guys

  • Kathy Perrone - He is so beautiful cant wait to meet him

  • Jessica Barnak - These are lovely… I can’t believe how grown up sweet Casey looks!

  • Ken Farabaugh - Love the picture.He looks so peaceful.

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