Tammy on Tuesday »

The Nagle Family Plus One!

At our last photo shoot with the Nagle family, Lisa was expecting her newest edition to the family.  Just two weeks ago, in what seemed like a blink of an eye, we were introduced to their brand new baby boy, Parker.  At his debut shoot, Parker was just 7 days old.  Tiny, little hands…Tiny little feet…such a precious treasure!  I’m sure there are great things in store for Parker, but we were honored to catch his first glimpses of life.

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  • Stephanie Wind - These are breathtaking!!!

  • Danene - Oh My Goodness! How adorable! Love the one with the bed… adorable! =) You two are just amazing..

  • kristin - “inspring” = “inspiring” lol

  • kristin - OhMyGosh… your talent continues to amaze me and your work is inspring! Such adorable pictures!! The one with the little bed made me “Awww” out loud! Great job~

  • Andrea - My Goodness. That first black and white image is absolutely stunning!

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