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Amy Wenzel Workshop!


My favorite photographer Amy Wenzel and www.iheartfaces.com is offering a seat to one of her workshops!  It has been my dream to attend one, however, I am part of a ministry that travels every weekend and in the past the workshops have been held on weekends. I am also restricted to a tight budget and don’t have the funds to participate. And so, I am entering her essay contest with hopes to win a spot at her upcoming workshop held during the week.

What comes first in my life is my relationship with Jesus Christ.  Psalm 37:23 says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. I approach each new endeavor asking the question, “How can doing this bring glory to God?”  I have ministered in music with my family for the past 9 years, traveling the country, sharing with others the hope I have found in Christ.  That’s been a joy in itself.  So imagine my sheer delight to also incorporate photography into touching the lives of those around me.  Tammy and I named our business Luminosity because our desire is to shine the light of Christ in the lives of those we come across.  We’ve been able to bless other ministries across the country offering free photography and design for their ministry needs!

One of my favorite photography moments took place outside Monterrey, Mexico…

It was about 1:00 in the afternoon and a line began to form outside a tiny adobe brick church in “Pallett Town”.

How do I describe “Pallet Town”?  It’s simply unclaimed land where “squatters” created a small village made mostly of pallets and scraps.  Although they had next to nothing, they made the best of it.  I remember walking through the many small homes and I would see ladies sweeping the dirt floors.  I would see magazine pages fastened to the walls to brighten the small rooms.  Looking out at row after row of these homes, I asked myself, how can we do something for these people?  I didn’t have enough money to really help them.  What could I do that would really reach them?

We came up with an idea.  These people have nothing, let alone a “family” portrait to proudly display on the wall of their humble homes.  We decided to set up a backdrop at the church, invite all who would come to have a portrait taken of their family.  For some, this would be perhaps their very first. We’d take the pictures, frame them and have the pastor deliver them to the families.

I looked out and saw little children playing in the dirt while they waited.  The little girls wore dresses they received from the missionaries there.  Christmas dresses made of velvet and satin had been drug in the dirt from being worn day after day. These people came in their very best, and for some it was the only outfit they owned.  As they filed through, there was excitement in the air!  They were thrilled to have their picture taken.  This picture would be something they would cherish and hang proudly in their homes for years to come.   It’s hard to describe what an opportunity like this does to you.  I went to Pallet Town to give something to these people, never imagining what I’d take home.

God has blessed me with a passion for photography and it’s been a fun and exciting journey learning on my own!  I can’t even imagine the impact Amy’s workshop would have on my growth as a photographer but I’d love to find out!







The Pastor and his family.

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  • Andrea - Oh my! What a tear jerker. It had to have felt so wonderful to be a part of capturing each family on film, perhaps for the first time ever. I love that photography can be a ministry! I remember going to Mexico with my sister when we were teenagers. It was mind boggling to see the poverty they experienced. Now I have a Compassion child in Ecuador and hope to be able to visit him someday. You can bet I’ll have my camera in tow! 🙂

  • Dawn @ My Home Sweet Home - What a beautiful story. You made me cry.

  • Katie - Great essay!! I commented earlier before I read it!! I hope you win it Steph!!

  • Katie - I don’t know why in the world she put my headshot in her add and didn’t even ask my permission first…..ha ha!!

    Good luck!

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