Tammy on Tuesday »

Simply Luminous

If you haven’t heard of the movie Twilight yet, it’s the movie that inspired these fun photos we were able to take while in Florida.   We weren’t far into the shoot when we realized how much fun we were having.  It’s not everyday you dress up, have your hair and make up done and feel like a superstar.  The experience inspired us to offer a new service called, Simply Luminous. Come as you are and allow us to create a dazzling, radiant and glowing you . Our hope with this session package is for you to walk away feeling, Simply Luminous.

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  • Jessie Coram - I love the Simply Luminous.. I would love to have these taken.. but I am not sure I will see you before the WEdding again?? Sadness…. They would be a blast.. Twilight was AMAZING

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